[Chapter 6:] Banana Muffins

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---- Toriel POV ----

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. Blinking my eyes open, I looked at the clock. It was 10 am. Groaning, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. It was a sunny day outside and by the feeling of it, warm too. I yawned and wondered what I was doing today. Suddenly, I remembered.

I had to go meet Asgore for tea.

I sighed. I regret agreeing to go, but what could go wrong? I'll just tell him that I've moved on. That is all.

I slowly stood up and walked into the private bathroom that was connected to my room. Quickly, I changed from my night garments into a new outfit I had bought. It was a plain purple dress with a tan knitted shawl over it. I looked in the mirror and fixed the loose strands of hair that fell over my face. I looked decent, I hope. What else did I have today? I thought as I exited my room. I left the door slightly ajar and peeked into Frisk's room. Oh yes, I had to go drop them off at Undyne's and Alphys' house. How could I forget? Frisk is still asleep, quite peacefully so I decide that it wouldn't hurt to let them sleep in. However, the flower they had on their windowsill was wide awake and it stared at me. Surprisingly enough, it did not really look menacing, but curious. Strange. Slowly, the plant looked away quite sadly and I frowned. Whoever this creature was, he sure is confusing, I closed Frisk's door again and went downstairs. Hmm. I wonder what I should bake for breakfast today? I thought as I entered the kitchen and looked around. The first thing I saw was bananas, which gave me an idea. Banana mini pies! I reached over for a bunch and placed them on the counter. Hopefully this was going to be good.

As I started cutting up the bananas, Frisk came downstairs but with no flower. Strange.

    "Hello dear." I called over to them as they sat down on a stool and yawned.

     "Hello goat mom! What are you making?" They asked as I put the cut up bananas into a bowl.

     "Banana min- I mean muffins!" I caught myself from saying mini pies. It is a bad habit I had gotten myself into. Frisk clapped.

     "Yay! Mom you didn't say mini pies this time!"

I went over to the fridge and got out eggs and milk, laughing to myself. I came back to Frisk and smiled, still giggling. They were grinning as well.

     "Yes my child, I had caught myself at the very last moment!"

Frisk got off of their seat and walked around the counter to my side. I stopped what I was doing and turned around to face them.

     "My dear, would you like to help me bake?" I asked, and they beamed.

     "Of course mom!"

For the next hour, me and Frisk baked the banana muffins and had put them into the oven. Frisk talked a lot about how they were going to watch a lot of anime with Alphys and Undyne today. I wonder what anime looks like, for I have never watched it myself. Maybe one day I should ask, and we could watch it together!

As I took out the muffins from the oven, my phone started buzzing. After I pressed the OFF button on the timer and set the muffins down, I reached over and grabbed it.

     "Hello?" I answered without looking at the caller ID. "This is Toriel speaking."

     "H-Hey miss Toriel! " It was Alphys speaking, and I could hear Japanese music blaring in the background. Was that anime?

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