The Stabbing and The baby.

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We had got back from Morocco a few weeks ago. We found out Logan was a boy and approximately 6-8 weeks old. Bless my baby, he was a little fireball. Me and Dom mived into his house on North of Clementine estate. Much farther away from my parents.

"Logan!" I called out and as expected he came running to me. I giggled as he jumped into my lap. Giving him little kisses I pet him to sleep.

Dom was at work and I had been staying at home as I was sick. I had been vomiting all week because... I'M PREGNANT!

I was over the moon., and so was Dom. I havent told anyone yet as I found out only a week ago. I invited my family and friends over tonight to tell them. The thought of my baby put a smile on my face.

Feeling hungry I go to the kitchen looking for food. I was craving a burger but was too lazy to make it so I grabbed my wallet and car keys. I was wearing a Supreme™ sweatshirt with matching sweatpants so I was.comfortable. I poured some food for Logan and cat milk to go with it. It was sleeping but if it got up before I came home it would eat.

Slipping on my Gucci sliders I headed to the garage. Getting into the Range Rover I drive to the nearest McDonalds.

Once there I saw that the drive thru had a long queue and there was no parking. Irritated that I had to park five minutes away I dragged my lazy self inside the McDonalds. After I got my food I went out on my way to the car. It was a little dark, considering it was October and 7pm.

I messaged Dom telling him where I was, he had come home and got scared not knowing where I was. All day he constantly messaged me, how I was feeling, about the baby. It was so sweet.

Just as I was about to open my car door I felt a presence behind me. Then I felt it, the knife pressed against my back.

I gasped and stood still too afraid to move. "If you don't give me your money I'll stab you, don't bother screaming." I was shaking and was scared for the baby.

I didn't know what to do, I was so afraid, so scared.

So I screamed, I screamed on top of my lungs. But as soon as that blade cut though my back I regretted it. I fell to my knees screaming in agony whilst cradling my stomach. The person ran throwing the knife on the ground in the process.

Tears dropped from my eyes and some people came to me. they asked for my name, whilst another called an ambulance. With all my strength I picked up my phone. I called Dom and he picked up immediately.

"Angel?" He asked.

"D--dom i-i've be--been stab-stabbed." I was struggling to breathe.

"Where are you!" He shouted yet his voice was faltering.

"Wind--sor roa-d." I say looking at the sign.

"I'll be there. Stay on the phone, don't close your eyes. Please angel."

But I didnt obey, my eyes closed.



I looked at her, on the bed pale and tubes coming out of her. How could I let this happen?

I swallowed the tears as the doctor came in. Her family sat alongside me eager to know what was happening.

"Mr. Amoretti, I'm sure you're aware your wife was pregnant-." He paused and the whole family gasped, I nodded and let him continue.

'Please God, Don't let my child die.' I thought.

"The baby survived. The fetus was luckily positioned away from were Mrs Amoretti was stabbed." I let out the breath I was holding. Her mum began crying and went out of the room, this must've brought the memories of her miscarriage back.

"However your wife may not be able to be pregnant after the child is born." I sighed closing my eyes. Nodding to the doctor he further explains her health and other things.

But all I could think about was my Angel.


9 months later.


I arched my back trying my best to push. I cried out in pain.

"Come on Angel you can do it." Dom coos and rubs my back.

I felt like I was being folded inside out. My body was burning, I couldn't breathe.

"I can't do it- I" I began the tears flowing freely.

"You can princess. I know you can. lets meet our son." He says kissing my cheek.

"I need you to do three more pushes." The midwife says.

I breathe deeply and push hardly. I scream and breathe in and out. "That was great, Ariella another one."

Again I push the pain increasing more and more by the second.

"I see the head! This is the last one Ariella. Do your best." The midwife says and I nod. Looking at Dom he smiles and says "Come in Angel let's welcome Damian."

Giving it my all I scream and push as hard as possible.

Then I heard it, the most beautiful cry and it was from my son. My beautiful son. The nurse cleaned him up and gave him to me. He cried like crazy but I kissed him quieting him down. I looked into his stunning eyes. He was perfect, absolutely perfect.

"My beautiful Damien." I said and let a tear slip. I looked at Dominic frozen with his soft eyes staring at Damien.

I passed Damien to him and Dom kissed him, playing with his little fingers.

I was all sweaty, my hair was matter with sweat and so was my body but I didnt care how I looked I only cared about my son.

My family came in along with Sofia and Damon who came hand in hand. Bless them, they have been dating for a year now.

Everyone greeted Dami, yes that my new nickname for him.

My parents stare in awe and I started to cry. My amazing parents they raised me right and I would do the same to my Dami.

After a few hours everyone left and I cradled Damien. I was in love with him.

He was my Dami.


Hi guys so.... Next chapter is the last. I'm actually crying right now because I've had nothing but love and positivity from everyone that read Rivals In Love.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I can reveal to you that I am going to be writing both Beauty and the bully as well as Loving him. I want to see how it goes and if it doesn't work out then I'll just un publish one of them.

Vote and follow me.

Until next time...

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