A New Beginning.

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"Ariella, what wrong?!" Mum asks and embraces me.

I was feel in overwhelmed because the fact that I had been keep in this from them has hit me.

"I've been keeping a secret from you. Im so sorry." I repeated as the guilt came at me with full force.

"Princess, calm down now tell papa whats wrong." Dad says and kneels so we're face to face.

I couldn't look him in the eye, it was killing me.

"I--i ha-have bee-been dd-ati-dating Do-" I couldn't say his name. I just couldn't. I began to wheeze and panicked when I couldn't breathe.

I didn't care that I was having a panic attack if I just tell them I know it would go away but I couldn't breathe enough to be able to speak.

My mum and dad were desperate while trying to calm me down. Reaching for my bad I got my wallet. Opening it I took out the picture of me and him in Greece. I pass it to my dad.

Breathing slowly and deeply I manage to stabalise my breathing. "I... Have... Been...dating... Dom-Dominic Amoretti."Dad drops the picture and stands up.

"How could you?!" He shouts and walks back and forth. "Honey calm down, she in a vulnerable state right now." Mum says with an edge defending me.

"I-i love him dad. I'm in love with him.' I say and he bangs his fists onto the desk.

"What is wrong with you?!" Mum shouts.

"DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY IM ACTING LIKE THIS?!, THAT BOYS FATHER KILLED MY DARLING AVA MADE MY PREGNANT WIFE GO THROUGH A COMA AND A MISCARRIAGE, THATS WHY IM FUCKING ANGRY!" I flinch, his voice was filled with pure rage, nothing but that. His eyes were red and looked perilous. Mum backed away and gasped. The tears in her eyes made him soften and calm down slightly.

"Its not the boys fault. Rafa you have to understand that. If Ariella is happy then why are you ruining this?" Her voice was soft, reasonable. My dad looked at her with an emotion I couldn't describe, it was so strong and then I realised what it was Love, absolute love, so powerful it was dangerous.

He sighed, "You're right. Ariella come here, we will talk about this properly. I'll be right back with some water for your mum." Walking out briskly mum hurries to me and hugs me tight.

"Baby, I promise that whatever happens you would be happy like a princess deserves to be." She coos into my ear.

"Mum you didnt deserve to be lied to. I'm sorry." My apology was sincere and truthful. She chuckled and let go.

"In the mean time I think you would want this." She says and hold her hand out. The picture was in her palm, slightly crumpled. Nevertheless I was utterly grateful. Taking it I placed it into my pocket.

My dad comes back in and passes the water to mum. He gives me a glass and I drink it fast.

"I want to know everything" Dad says out of the blue.

"Uh, well- i guess you can say after the business meeting we met at the opening of his club. I knew that you had problems with him but I was being selfish because I liked him. We went out on a date and I agreed to be his girlfriend. The gala, I invited him to the gala and we went to greence together." I paused knowing that hurt him, his little girl went away with another man.

"We had a little break because of a fight and your accident. When I went to an event we met again and he told me he wanted to go on one last date. I agreed again out of selfishness. But after the date you had woken up and we decided to be together again. I've been sneaking around for 5 months with him."

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