33 | F L I G H T

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you can't wake up
this is not a dream.              

   Running for their lifes while the shelves were crashing all around them, they finally reached a door. Ginny shot one last spell at a Death Eater right on their feet, while Luna pushed the door open and they jumped in, immediately locking it behind them.

   "Where are Harry, Hermione and Neville?", Ginny pressed out, gasping for air. "And where the hell are we?"

   It was pitch black, even the lights of their wands didn't have the power to cut through the darkness. All Lynnea could see were the heads of her friends like floating in midair.

   "We lost them", Ron growled. "Oh, this is nice ..."

   "We'll find them", Luna said in her usual dreamy voice. "The rooms are all connected, we just need to find the door to the next one."

   "It might escaped your notice", Ron said sarcastically, "but we can't even see our own two feet."

   "Shut up, the two of you", Ginny hissed. "I hear steps. Let's get away from this goddamn door."

   Making their way further into the room, Lynnea gasped. "What the - ?"

   "Are these - ?", Ron whispered.

   "Goddamn bloody planets!", Lynnea said, almost laughing. Huge balls were floating through the room, and would have been an amazing view standing right next to Jupiter, if their whole situation wouldn't be that threatening.

   All of a sudden the door bursted open and without a warning the first spell missed Lynnea's head only by inches. Ginny yelled out loud as a Death Eater jumped out of the darkness, grabbing the girls ankle. Luna shot a spell at him, and he was torn away from Ginny, but a loud crack echoed through the room and Ginny let out another earpiercing scream.

   When Ron turned around to his sister a curse hit him straight in the face and he fell over, taking Lynnea with him to the floor.

   "Ron!", Lynnea cried. "Ron, are you alright?"

   "Look, Lynnie", Ron said under a maniacal giggle. "Look, it's Uranus. Uranus, Lynnie. Haha!"

   "What - oh no, you don't!", Lynnea yelled, grabbing Ron's wand to shot a stunning spell at the Death Eater that was aiming at the boy's head. As the Death Eater broke down, Lynnea flinched forward, taking his wand and giving Ron his own back.

   "Lynnea?", Luna asked, supporting Ginny. "Can you walk?"

   "Have to", she grimly replied. "Let's get out of here before more of those prats join the party."

   "REDUCTIO!", Luna spoke in a raised voice the moment Lynnea finished her sentence, shooting Jupiter at another Death Eater, then she nodded at Lynnea. "Let's go."

   "Come on, Ron", Lynnea said after struggling to get to her feet.

   "But I wanna stay here, it's nice here", Ron said, pouting.

   "Oh, then wait for the next room", she retorted, forcing herself to a supporting smile.

   The next room was quite empty. The only thing standing in the middle of the room was a basin filled with -

   "Brains?", Ginny breathed, cocking an eyebrow.

   "Totally bonkers those mystery people ...", Lynnea retorted, shaking her head in disbelief.

   "So, Harry's sister, huh?", Ginny said, looking at Lynnea the first time since months. "Did you know?"

   "Since Christmas."

   "I see ... Well, I guess I should have talked to you about this, before I told Harry, maybe we wouldn't be stuck in this mess now."

   "It's not your fault", Lynnea told her, sadly smiling. "I was dumb enough to let them trick me. But yeah, it would have been nice if you'd have talked to me about it ..." She couldn't surpress that bit of anger in her stomach. "You were like my best friend, and suddenly you acted like a bitch."

   "I know, and I'm sorry, but after what we heared in the hospital -"

   "LYNN? RON?" Harry's voice sounded from the room next to the brain room, and a second later the door bursted open. "GIN-?"

   "Shut up, they'll hear us!", Ginny barked at Harry, sinking to the floor, all pale and sweating.

   "Are you okay?", Harry asked. Behind him was Neville, carrying an unconscious Hermione.

   "They hit Ron with a spell, don't know what it was, he's acting strange ...", Lynnea replied.

   "Ginny's ankle is broken I think", Luna whispered.

   "What happened to Hermione?"

   "We don't know, got hit by a curse", Harry said, looking around the room. "We should lock the doors, don't you think?"

   But they didn't make it far. Luna's shriek was companied by a loud bang as one of the doors was blasted open and Bellatrix Lestrange stepped in, followed by Malfoy and three more Death Eaters. Luna banged her head against the basin, sliding to the floor, eyes closed. A stunning spell hit Ginny, and now it was just Harry, Neville and Lynnea, fighting five Death Eaters at once.

   But an idea flashed through Lynnea's mind, and maybe it was the only chance to get their friends out of here alive. The Death Eaters didn't care for them, they only were after Harry and her. So she grabbed his hand and pulled him along, running as fast as her feet allowed her, and it worked. As she threw a gaze over her shoulder she saw them running after her and her brother, relentlessly shooting spells at the twins.

   Harry pushed a door in front of them open - and Lynnea lost the floor underneath her feet; she fell, hitting the ground again and again, bumping her head, her bones, pain flashed mercyless through her body, until she came to a halt at the bottom of the room.  They were surrounded by stairs in this circular room. Landing flat on their back at the sunk pit of the room right in front of a stone archway on its said, Lynnea gasped for air, but there was no time for recovery. The room rang with the Death Eater's laughter, echoing from the walls. Jumping to her feet together with Harry, wands raised, they watched the five Death Eaters of the brain room slowly climbing down the stairs, and from other doors around more Death Eaters entered.

   "That's it, Potter", Lucius snarled. "We're ten, you're two. Your run is over. Hand me the prophecy."


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