20 | H U R T

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what you don't understand is
falling in love wasn't part of
           my plan.

Being back at Hogwarts Lynnea the first time since she set a toe into the castle was glad she'd been sorted into Slytherin. But even that seemed to be not enough. She could barely stand it anymore. There was Ginny, her best friend, who now had nothing left for Lynnea than cold gazes since she heard those awful things about her in the hospital. The worst thing about it was that Lynnea couldn't even blame her, and that hurted the most. Also the fact that she had to face her brother day by day, even if it was just for a few minutes during breakfast, lunch and dinner, was more than enough to break her heart, knowing he had not the slightest clue, and it took her everything to go out of his way. Aiden tried to talk to her a couple of times, coming up with excuses, but even his watery eyes didn't help him; Lynnea had not even the tiniest bit of sympathy left for him. Not now. Maybe never again.

But the worst of all was Fred Weasley, who made her wish to be back at Beauxbatons any given second of these days. He ignored her ever since the kiss at Grimmauld Place, what she took gratefully, because if he wouldn't do so, it would be her ignoring him. But he seemed to be everywhere, and he seemed to be everywhere with Angelina Johnson; they were holding hands in the hallways, kissing during dinner, laughing in the courtyard, flirting in the library ... It was disgusting. And it hurt. This she couldn't deny any longer. The pain was real, and so were her feelings for Fred, tearing her up.

"Lynnea?" Tracey's voice snapped Lynnea back to the now and here, as she was staring at Fred feeding Angelina with plum pudding. Her head jerked around, her two friends stared at her with raised eyebrows.


"Did you even listen?", Daphne asked.

"I - no, sorry, was lost in thoughts ..."

"Lost in Weasley, you mean?", Tracy snorted. "Will you finally tell us, why you don't talk anymore? Not that I mind, he's a git, but I'm nosy, you know me."

"There's no reason", Lynnea mumbled. "He's a git, as you said. That's the reason."

"A git you obviously have a thing for", Daphne giggled, her blonde curls swinging with the movement.

"I don't."

"Girl, please. You can lie to yourself as much as you want, but don't even try to lie at us. So what has happened?"

"Well, we spent Christmas together, my godfather and his parents are friends, and he -" She hesitated, for a brief moment she thought about telling them, but the knot building up in her throat clearly told her that she was not in a state to discuss this right now. "He is a git. Let's leave it with that", she instead muttered and stared back at her plate, where her meal was still remaining untouched. She looked up again, what she in retrospect shouldn't have done. Fred was pressing his lips on Angelina's, and the knot in Lynnea's throat tightened, her eyes started burning.

"'xcuse me", she mumbled, getting up as fast as she could, leaving the great hall with fast steps, her sight already blurry as she stepped through the door, heading for the grounds.


Fred's smile froze on his face as he watched Lynnea storming out of the great hall. Even from his house table, that was so far away from where she walked, he could see the tears swimming in her beautiful green eyes. George to his left laid down his fork, leaving his steak not even half eaten as he got up and followed the girl, but not without throwing his twin a sharp glare. Lee watched the scene confused.

"So what is this thing with the two of you and the snake?", Angelina asked, her voice clearly pissed. "He doesn't have a thing for her, does he?"

"Don't be stupid, they're just friends", Fred replied, shoving the potatoes over his plate. His appetite was gone. The hurt on her face was haunting him. All he wanted to do was running after her, wrapping his arms around her, but he knew she wouldn't let her. Even though her reaction filled his certainty about her feelings for him with doubt. But who was he to think she was crying because of him?

"And what about you?" Her voice was dangerously quiet, her eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh c'mon, I'm not stupid, I noticed the way you look at her", she hissed. "You're attracted to her."

"Bullshit", Fred growled. "I don't care about her."

"I know she spent Christmas with you", Angelina said, her voice still low. "I heard your brother and Harry talk about it during our last practice. They were wondering why she was acting so strange around you."

Fred rolled his eyes, promising himself to kick Ron's arse by the next given chance.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, Fred Weasley!", she snapped, her voice now growing louder. "What have you done with the little bitch?"

"Angelina, I'm doing nothing to anyone but you, so just let it be, okay?", he muttered, trying to eat one of the remaining potatoes, but his mouth was dry, and his thoughts were already swirling around Lynnea's soft lips on his. "And stop calling her like that", he added through gritted teeth.

"Was it a romantic Christmas break, yeah? Cuddling up in front of the fire? Holding hands while having a stroll through Ottery St Catchpole?"

"Angie, please ..."

"Kisses underneath the mistletoe?"

He felt the heath creep up his cheeks and knew that he was lost. He looked up at Angelina, and her eyes widened.

"That little bitch kissed you?!", she screeched and a lot of students wrenched their necks at them.

"She didn't, calm down", Fred hastily replied. "Just leave it."

"I knew it! This terrible slut!", Angelina yelled, and by now not only Gryffindors were staring at the both of them. "I'll kill her! I'll beat the fucking shit out of her!"

"Gosh, Angelina, just shut up!", Fred snapped, crushing his fork onto the plate. "She didn't do anything! It was me, okay? I kissed Lynnea!"

✔️ 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓&𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 → 𝑓. 𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑦Where stories live. Discover now