19 | T O U C H

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I got a heart, I got a soul,
I promise I'll use them both.

"N-No, you don't", Lynnea stammered, looking at Fred with the purest confusion written all over her face. His words had hit her unprepared.

He bursted out laughing. "Would you mind, if would decide on my own who I care about?", he asked, walking over to her.

Lynnea flushed red. This was not a small and cute shade of pink burning on her cheeks, it felt like she was shining in bright crimson. She wanted to answer, but was lost for words. One part of her wanted to scream at him, shake him, tell him to stop, but the other part was to dazzled to wrap her thoughts around a single word.

"What now, Bailey?", he asked. His face came down on her level, as she was still sitting on the bed, he looked at her deadpanned. "Lost it?" With a smirk on his lips his eyes sparkled full of his usual mischief. Lynnea swollowed hard.

"I - I don't get it", she mumbled, her eyes locked with his. "I don't get you."

His smir grew wider, and Lynnea sunk into his warm golden eyes, totally aware that she was acting like a freak, sitting there and staring in this dumbass' eyes. "That's just fair, you know?", he said, and his smirk disappeared, making room for a stern look, as his face came closer. "Because I don't get you, too." His voice went lower the closer he got. Lynnea held her breath, as if her brain would have forgotten how her lungs worked, but her heart was racing, bumping against her ribcage. "And I so badly want to get you", he breathed, so close now she could count his lashes. "So badly ..."

Freds lips brushed hers and sent shivers down her spine. The world around her blurred, even though she was so sure he had to be kidding; just teasing, and every now and then he would get up and grin, and leave the room, leave Lynnea with her messed up mind. But he didn't. He pressed his soft lips tighter on hers, not innocently like a tease, but fiery, passionate and demanding. She wanted to pull away, before she'd lose herself in this, but she couldn't. In this awkward, yet wonderful moment her sences have been seduced, so she closed her eyes and softened in the kiss, her lips moving synchronic to his, as if they'd never done anything different. Freds hand burried into her her, his fingers getting lost in her curls, wrapping around them, his other hand rested on her thigh. She pressed her hand against his chest, intented to push him away, but instead it kept resting right there.

"Okay, Lynnea, that's enough!", a yell from outside the closed door made Fred and Lynnea burst apart. "I really respect your privacy, but you'll tell me what's wrong now- what the hell is going on here?" The door ad been flung open and Remus stepped in, immediately frozen on spot. His eyes wandered from Fred, who's hands hadn't moved away from Lynnea's hair and leg, to his goddaughter. Lynnea hastily pulled her own hand away from Fred's chest, which seemed to be the signal for him to remove his hands, too.

"Remus!", Lynnea gasped. "We just ... We ... Erm ..."

"Fooling around, huh?", Remus asked, an eyebrow cocked. Her face burnt, she refused to look at Fred, even though she begged him silently for help. "So this is what you're doing in here for days now? Let Fred sneak in and be busy snogging around, while everyone is in sorrow about you?"

"N-No!", she stammered. "It was just - he - I - it was the first time, I swear! We're not snogging ..."

"I just wanted to cheer her up", Fred chuckled, and Lynnea's eyes snapped on him, immediately regreting it. Fred winked at Remus, and it felt like a punch in the face.

"You'll better leave now, Fred", Remus said, not the slightest in the mood for Fred's jokes. The redhead just shrugged and left the room without even having one more look at Lynnea. As he closed the door behind him, Remus still looked at her scepically. "What's just going on with you?"

"Nothing", she replied in a small voice, surpressing a sigh. "There are just too many things on my mind."

"And he's one of them?", her godfather asked, his expression unreadable now.

"Fred? Gosh, no", she replied just a bit to fast, so she quickly added: "That was a whole lot of news lately. The thing with Harry ... Having a brother now, and that my whole life was a lie ..." For a second she thought about asking him about the talk she and the Weasley kids had eavesdroped, but decided against it.

Remus' face softened. "I know it is hard to be around him without him knowing who you are", he said, smiling sympathetically now. "But this isn't for forever. Things will change, and the moment Voldemort will show himself openly, the Ministry will have to give in and accept that Dumbledore and Harry had been telling the truth all the time. With the Ministry in, there'll be a whole lot more effective ways to protect Harry and you. But as long as Fudge is refusing to believe, we can do nothing than wait." Lynnea nodded. "So what do you think about coming down with me now? Dinner's almost ready."

"Of course. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to annoy anyone of you", she replied, as she got up from the bed.

"It's okay, we all need a little space and time on our own every now and then." Her godfather smiled at her. "But be careful with that Weasley, I don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't." Oh, what a fool she'd been.


Fred was doomed, of that he was sure. He definitely shouldn't have done that. If Angelina would ever find out, he was a dead man. But he couldn't fight it any longer. He'd fallen for Lynnea, he had to admit to himself. When she kissed back his brain was set on fire and the warmth had spread through his whole body. Her lips were warm, a taste of mint on them. It obliterated every thought. He could still feel her taste on his lips, radiating from this spot, slowly spreading through his whole body. What a shame she didn't like him. The way she looked at him before he left told him everything he needed to know about her feelings for him; they just didn't exist.

So as he entered the room he shared with his twin, he decided to leave it just with that. It had been an accident, nothing more, nothing less. And it would never happened again.

"What have you done?", George greeted him, causing Fred to jerk, and his eyes widened.

"What do you mean?", he asked in a sharp tone.

George sat up on his bed, tilting his head. "Actually I wanted to know where you've been that long, but your cute little overreaction makes me curious. So what have you done, dearest brother?"

"I - nothing." Fred shrugged it off, but of course George wouldn't leave it with that.

"Of course I totally believe you", he sarcastically replied, rolling his eyes. "Well, let me guess: It has something to do with princess Lynnea in her lonesome tower?"

"What? No", Fred snapped. "George, leave it, please."

"By Merlin!" He bug-eyed. "You kissed her!"

"George, I didn't do anything to her or with her or whatever", Fred muttered and flung myself on the bed. "So shut up."

George came over to his twin and stretched out his hand slowly. Fred followed his movement with narrowed eyes; he reached his hair and moved way back, pulling out something of Fred hair: a long, thin, auburn red curl ...

"So I guess you should cut your hair more carefully next time", George said, smirking mischievously.

Fred looked at him, then he sighed defeated. "Okay, fine, I became weak ..."

His twin laughed out loud. "Well well well, finally! So that means you and Angelina are history?"

"No",Fred plainly replied and George's face dropped. "Lynnea hates me, we both know that. Even your chances with her are higher than mine." Fred frowned.

"Did she kiss back?", George asked.

"Why, yes she did. But please let's just act like this never happened, I'll stay with Ange and our dearest Slytherin will find herself a snake."

"That's the most idiotic thing you ever did in your life, Freddie", George said sternly. "But as you wish ..."

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