08 | I S S U E S

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and do you feel like a young god?"

Things went pretty weird. As time passed by incredibly fast, Lynnea tried to get used to the fact, that everyone in this school knew her name now. She was Slytherin's first female Quidditch teammate ever, and of course the way how she made it into the team were highly amusing - at least to everyone but Lynnea. Some said, it was only because she was Michael Bailey's daughter, other speculated, that she bought herself in, just like the biggest part of the team. Pansy Parkinson on the other hand had her very own version, so she told everyone who dared to listen that Lynnea obviously was sleeping with Aiden, which ridiculously many more believed, than they should.

One thing led to another, so Lynnea started avoiding Aiden to not fuel the rumours. But Aiden was pretty pissed about that act, and he never missed a chance to make Lynnea feel his displeasure about the whole situation. Therefore he was giving her hell during every single practice, until Adrian Prucey, the third Chaser beside Lynnea and Aiden, and the Keeper, Miles Bletchley, who were also both in their final year together with Aiden, started yelling at the Captain for treating Lynnea like that.

"Seems like O'Riley is a bit stressed out lately", George said, who - of course together with Fred - had cut Lynnea's way off right after practice. George was on his best mood, while Fred was as grumpy as he was for days now. While George couldn't even stop laughing for a split second about Lynnea's miserable situation, Fred went extremely quiet whenever it came to the subject.

"That's obviously, because he fancies you", Tracey giggled along with Daphne, after Lynnea had made the huge mistake to tell them about Fred's strange behaviour. But Lynnea just snapped at them to shut up and rolled her eyes. At least Fred had a girlfriend. And next to Angelina Johnson, Lynnea was just a common girl next to a shining beauty.

"Maybe you should give your dearest more love", George chuckled, snapping Lynnea out of her head, where the annoying picture of Fred and Angelina holding hands in the hallways had manifested.

"This is crap!", she groaned. "Why can't people just accept that I'm in because of my Quidditch talent rather than my ability to seduce the captain?"

"Ability, huh?", George said, wriggling his eyebrows.

Lynnea nudged him hard into his rips.

"Ouch, you beast!"

"People will accept it as soon as they see you fly", Fred said in his newest usual bored voice, while he frowned staring at the courtyard.

"Yeah, the moment you'll mess it up against Gryffindor, they'll leave it", George said and winked.

"But you saw me fly!" Lynnea was really frustrated, burrying her face in her hands. "Can't you just tell them I'm not doing a bad job?"

"That wouldn't stop O'Riley staring at you like you're some peace of raw meat", Fred grumbled. "And next to that Malfoy prat you'll be the shining star."

"Has someone stepped on your wand lately, or where does this sweet mood of yours has its origin?", Lynnea hissed at the redhead.

"What? He's a git, isn't he?", Fred snorted.

"Well, indeed he could be slightly overdramatic from time to time -"

"Overdr- oh please, don't you tell me you like that son of a donkey!", Fred groaned.

"They're my teammates! They're in my house", Lynnea said frustrated. "It's not that easy to find someone to get along with in the pit."

"Why, whatever", he said coldly. "I'll go and do my homework." Just like that he turned around and left George and Lynnea standing there with confused faces.

"Is he some sort of ill?", Lynnea asked, her eyes following Fred until he vanished around a corner. "Doing his homework?"

"I don't know ...", George slowly said. "I - erm - better follow him, this indeed isn't healthy. See you around, Lynnie."

"Don't call me like that!", she yelled after him, but he just waved over his shoulder. Silently she sighed.

"Lynnea, we have to talk."

She jumped, jerking around, just to face Aiden standing in front of her, arms crossed, eyebrows tightly knitted together.

"Aiden!", she gasped, clutching her hand over her chest. "Do you want to give me heart attacks?"

"Sorry", he muttered, before he cleared his throat and went on in a firm voice. "See, I know you're angry with me, and I really do understand why you are, but please believe me it was not voluntarily that I stopped responding your letters. My parents forbid me. They said they won't let me return to Hogwarts, if I'd ever write to you again. I really tried, but they found out ..."

Lynnea cocked an eyebrow at him. "But why?", she asked, crossing her arms, too.

"They gave me no reason, but after they fetched me from your home after Christmas, they freaked out, saying you're not a proper girlfriend for me, and that you're not who you pretend to be", he said, shaking his head. All of a sudden he stepped closer, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Lynn, I really liked you. I still like you. I never meant to be so rude, but they left me no choice ..."

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I thought it'll be easier for you, if I'd break contact just like this. I thought, if you'd hate me, you won't try to ever write me again. Well, I was right, huh?" He let out a long sigh. "But now seeing you again, I can't just act like there's never been anything between the both us. I - I just can't stop thinking about you." His fingers left her shoulder and traced down her back, while his other hand tucked the hair back out of her face, before he cupped her cheeks with it. Shivers ran down her spine, and she held her breath, as his face came closer. "You need to know that I missed you every single day since your last letter. I just can't forget about you, no matter what my parents say ..."

His voice was merely a whisper by now, she could feel his breath on her lips. She should push him away, of that she was well aware, but she was frozen, her eyes widened, before she slowly closed them for the upcoming -

"Lynnea, listen, I am - oh!"

Her head jerked around, her green eyes meeting Fred Weasley's brown ones, as he stared at her, a gaze full of shock. He turned pink as he hastily stepped back. "I - am sorry, I didn't want to - uhm - we'll talk later. Yeah, later ..." His head like on flames, he turned around and left the scene with some huge, fast steps.

Lynnea sighed. Aiden also had stepped back, out of the corner of her eye she could see him look at her curious, while she watched Fred leaving with a strange feeling in her stomach. The gap between them had grown wide, Aiden's touch was gone, and so was the moment, leaving Lynnea wondering, if that was a good or a bad thing after all.

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