89 | D U S T

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T H E    L A S T    E N E M Y    T H A T
S H A L L      B E      D E A T R O Y E D
I S    D E A T H

yes, and they will run you down,
          down til you fall.

   Back in Dumbledore's office, Lynnea stared into nothingness. Breathing flatly, her palms started sweating, her brain was empty, but suddenly  thoughts were accelerating inside her head. She wanted them to slow so she could breathe but they won't. Her breaths came in gasps and she felt like she would black out. Her heart was hammering inside her chest like it belonged to a rabbit running for its skin. The room spinned and she squat on the floor, trying to make everything slow to something her brain and body could cope with.

   So this was it. The final. The end. The explanation for all her nightmares. The truth.

   "Lynnea ...", Remus whispered, stroking her hair out of my frozen face. Her eyes snapped up at his paperwhite face. His eyes were glassy. He rang for words, but didn't seem to find them.

   "I need to find Harry", Lynnea breathed, swallowing hard. "He - he needs to f-finish this." With every word her voice grew shakier. "Is there any chance to - to save the baby?"

   "Unfortunately no." Remus reply was barely audible, yet echoing in Lynnea's ears as if he'd had screamed at her.

   All of a sudden a loud thundering crash shook the castle walls. She stared out of the window, seeing the shield the teachers had put up crumble.

   "I can't", she muttered. "I just can't, Remus. I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready to die -"

   He pulled her in his arms, holding her like she was a little girl again; Lynnea haven't been held like that since she fell from her toy broom when she was seven and Michael told her, there was no need to cry, for tears wouldn't prevent bad things from happening. But right now Lynnea wouldn't care what tears could do or not; even if they'd burn her eyes, she wouldn't be able to hide them now, and a second after Remus closed his arms around her, Lynnea started fully sobbing.

   But she didn't waste much time, she could stand here in Remus arms for hours and cry her eyes out, but that wouldn't change the reality. She needed to find her brother. She needed to let him kill her, before he was running into his own death. To save the world. 

   Lynnea pushed herself away from Remus, refusing to look at him. Her eyes were swollen, she had a hard time to breathe.

   "We should go now."

   "If you need some more time -"

   "Would that change anything?", Lynnea asked, slightly hoping, he'd say yes. But he didn't.

   "I wish I could take this burden from you, Lynnea", he said, kissing her forehead.

   "You shouldn't wish for such things", she said. "You will return to Tonks and Teddy, when this is over. And do me the favour to tell Fred, that I love him." She looked back at Remus. "And tell him, I'm sorry, he'd never know his child ..." Before he could reply anything, Lynnea turned around, heading to the door. It was now or never.

   Outside Dumbledore's office the war had begun. She barely noticed the noises around her. From the windows she could see the fights going on in the courtyard. Giants stomped over the hills that were surrounding the grounds, enormous spiders were creeping out of the Forbidden Forest, black shadows, flying spells and curses, people yelling and screaming; all of this barely reached her. She felt cold, Remus was right behind her, staring at her, she could feel his eyes on her, she could feel his pain.

   "I hoped it'd be me to find you."

   Lynnea froze on spot, closing her eyes, exactly knowing this voice. She turned around, Remus had already his wand raised. They were facing Fenrir Greyback and Alecto and Amycus Carrow, all three of them pointed their wands at us.

   "Lynnea, go", Remus hissed.

   "Leaving you alone with the three gits here?", I said, raising her own wand, walking next to Remus. "Just make it a bit fair, I'd say? Three against two sounds better than three against one."

   "Make it three against three."

   "Tonks!" Remus eyes widened, as his wife appeared next to his other side, her face fierce, her wand raised. Lynnea's heart raced. "You should have stayed home!"

   "And miss all the fun?", she laughed joyless. "Blimey, no!"

   "Would you finally shut up?!", Alecto screamed, whipping her wand, but Lynnea was faster, blocking her spell. "You're a special kind of annoying, Potter, aren't you?"

   "It's a pleasure", the girl hissed. "Stupefy!" Her curse missed the Death Eater for inches and crushed into the wall, making stones explode.

   "You better go with us voluntarily", Greyback hissed. "I bet you don't want your two friends here get hurt."

   "Well, you'd have to kill me, if you want to harm them. I guess your boss wouldn't be amused, I heard he needs me alive." Snapping her wand forward, her next spell hit Amycus straight in the face, letting him collapse to the floor.

   "Bitch!", shrieked Alecto, a red ray of light hit the painting next to Lynnea, tearing a big whole into it.

   "Even if this is very amusing, I guess, I'll give this an end now", a cold voice from behind her snarled. "Bombada!"

   Lynnea couldn't even turn around, as the floor behind them was hit by the curse of the stranger. It exploded, stones where shooting through the air; everything was happening extremely fast: Remus grabbed Lynnea's shoulders, throwing her aside, she hit the ground, the walls crumbled, dust was hanging in the air, taking her sight. She quickly got back to her feet, yet a green light fleshed through the dusty surroundings.

   "NO!", Lynnea screamed so loud, her throat seemed to burst.


    Feeling the air crawl back into her lungs, Lynnea heard Remus voice. She saw his figure stumble through the cloud of dirt and dust. She started walking in his direction, could see his dirty face lighten up, as he noticed her. She stretched out her arms to reach him, as another green flash seemed to enlighten his body.

   Lynnea's eyes widened in horror. His reliefed smile was still on his face, his eyes locked with his goddaughter's, but all of a sudden they became dead empty. Like in slow motion he was tipping over, whirling up more dust, as his body hit the floor, his hand was still stretched out for Lynnea's, his eyes staring lifeless at the floor now. And right behind him on the floor, shining through the gloomy hallway as a fire, Lynnea noticed a bunch of bubblegum pink hair lying on the floor ...

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