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stars fall, and the world goes blind.

Thinking of Fred became Lynnea's new routine. Was he thinking of her? What was he doing? Was he safe, wherever he was now?

Since Harry had found out that RAB was Sirius' younger brother Regulus, he had ordered Kreacher to find Mundungus Fletcher, who had stolen the original locket of Slytherin from the house elf. Now her brother was sitting in the kitchen for hours, waiting for his return, while reading the book Rita Skeeter wrote about Dumbledore's life, getting grumpier and grumpier.

Lynnea herself had locked up in her old room, where she haven't been since the last Christmas Sirius was still alive, what kept her thinking of Fred even more; how he first kissed her and how much she disgusted him back then ...

When she was not thinking of Fred, she was dreaming over and over again of Harry raising his wand and sending the killing curse at her. She always woke up, covered in sweat, panicking. She thought about telling Harry, but on the other hand, it was just a stupid dream, wasn't it? Lynnea guessed it has no meaning at all, was just a result of the current circumstances, which weren't rosy ...

But although she often thought about leaving, the newspaper were searching for her daily, pointing out she was a dangerous threat to everyone and everything. She could hide on her own, so at least if they'd find her, no one else would be endangered.

"Lynn!", her brother yelled up the staircase. Lynnea snapped up; immediately Mrs. Black started screaming. She flung her door open and jumped down the stairs, taking two steps at once. Harry had made Sirius' mother shut up. He packed his wand away, when she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"What's up?", she asked, panting slightly.

"We know, where the Horcrux is", Harry excitedly babbled. "The locket! We know now!"

"Great!", Lynnea said and beamed about the first good news she heard for days now. "Where is it?"

"At the Ministry", Harry said and her smile dropped. "Umbridge's got it."


"I still think it'd be easier, if the four of us would go ...", Lynnea muttered, as Harry, Ron and Hermione packed their stuff.

"No, you stay here with Kreacher", Harry said. "You're the one both sides want to catch. So, if we won't be back in three hours, you -"

"I'll stay here, contact Remus and won't search for you under any circumstances", Lynnea repeated, what they'd told her for the last three days like permanently. "But please come back ..."

"Well, that's the plan, isn't it", Ron said, throwing her a half-smile, before he flung an arm around her, to hug her for goodbye.

"Take care of them, yeah?", Lynnea told Hermione, as she hugged her next, before she wrapped my arms around Harry.

"Everything will be alright", he said, as he let go. "We've a plan."

If that should calm Lynnea down, then Harry failed miserably. They left and she sat down in the kitchen, waiting. The seconds seemed like hours, she stared at the watch around her wrist way too often. One hour had passed. Still no sign. To give herself something to do, she read yesterday's Daily Prophet. It reported about Snape being Hogwarts new headmaster, also Hermione's name appeared on the list of muggle-borns. Fuming she threw the newspaper into the fireplace, where the flames started licking on its pages. Another hour passed and she started getting nervous. They should return by every now and then. But they didn't. Walking up and down the kitchen, while Kreacher was cooking their dinner, she felt her hands getting sweaty.

A loud crack cut through the silence and her whole body stiffened. Another crack - and then silence again. Lynnea held her breath, listening into the silence, until she suddenly heard the door lock clicking. She rushed upstairs, expecting to see Harry, Ron and Hermione in the hallway, hopefully successful at their mission.

"Did you make it?", Lynnea asked, before she could even see them from around the corner - but as she stepped into the hallway, she wasn't greeted by her brother and her two friends. Frozen on spot she stared at a tall blonde man, all dressed in black, who was snapping around, fixing Lynnea with his cold blue eyes.

"What a beautiful coincidence it is you I meet here", he said with a devilish smirk, raising his wand. Lynnea grabbed for hers, ducking away of his spell that missed her head merely by inches. She would have been doomed, but suddenly the same dust-figure, that had greeted Remus weeks ago rose out of the carpet and let the man in front of her hesitate for the second that Lynnea needed to grab her own wand.

She had never apparated on her own, except during the lessons at Hogwarts last year. She hadn't taken the test, as she had been too young back then. But right now she just had that one chance, it had to work ...

Thinking of the only place Lynnea had in her mind right now, she took a step forward, half-turned around and hoped, prayed ... She felt the nasty sensation of getting sucked through a tiny pipe, her whole body seemed to be squeezed, the air was pressed out of her lungs and my stomach wanted badly to get rid of everything she had eaten in her whole life. And then a sharp pain shot through her body, like a hot knife, her face was hurting awfully, and if she'd have had air inside her lungs, she'd have screamed in agony.

Lynnea hit the ground, arching in pain, her eyes tightly closed. Something wet and warm covered her face and she felt a hot burning on the left side of her face, like a glowing piece of steel was pressed against it.

She opened her eyes, hoping to see the place she wanted to reach, but was blinded by the dazzling light of the sun. Also the pain was slowly overwhelming her, she could see the silhouette of a building against the bright sky, but her senses were vanishing. The shadows of two nearing people where the last thing she saw, before darkness swallowed her.

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