18 | D E N I A L

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       so I'll hit the lights
and you lock the door.

   "What exactly is going on here?"

   Lynnea and Fred bursted apart, hastily bringing space between the both of them. Remus was eyeing them with a raised eyebrow.

   "I don't want to sound rude, Remus", Fred said, and even if he was slightly growling, his dumb smirk was back on his lips. "But that's a rather unpleasant moment."

   "Well, I heard Lynnea yell that you should stop with whatever you were up to, so I thought I better have a look", Remus replied, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

   "I - I was up to nothing", Fred stumbled over his own words, and Lynnea watched his cheeks flushing pink.

   "It's okay, Remus. We were just ... fooling around", she muttered, her own face hotter than hellfire.

   "I see", Remus replied, his eyes still full of doubt. "Well, I'll have an eye on you." He threw another intensive glare at Fred, before he climbed back down the stairs.

   "I - I'll better leave, too", Lynnea stuttered, and before Fred could even get the chance tp hold her back or even say a single word, she rushed back into her room, closing the door behind her. She pressed her forehea against the wood, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Whatever had happened out there was messing up her mind. Had Fred Weasley been upt to kiss her? She shook her head wildly. Of course he was not. He was just teasing her, joking, like he was always doing. He had a girlfriend. This thought now lingered on her mind bitterer than ever. But she ignored the tingling sensation, the lion roaring inside her; she was not interested in Frederick Weasley, the bloody git.


   Mr Weasley was on his best way back to full health when they visited him on Christmas morning. Now they lingered around in one of the waiting rooms near Mr Weasley's room in St Mungo, while Mrs Weasley, Remus, Tonks and Moody had a private talk to him. While Harry, Ron and Hermione were walking around the hospital, Lynnea decided to stay with Ginny, but to her great displeasure Fred and George shared the same plan. Lynnea was sitting in one corner with Ginny, Fred and George in the other, and she could permanently feel Fred's eyes on her, but chose to ignore him; that was at least what she had been doing since their little meeting in the gloomy corridor of Grimmauld Place.

   "What has happened to the two of you?", Ginny asked in a whisper, after watching the uncomfortable scene for a while.

   "Nothing", Lynnea hissed as quiet as possible, hoping thatGinny would leave it with that, but to be honest she knew better, and of course she was right and Ginny didn't even think about it.

   "Oh yeah, I guess it is absolutely normal behavior that he is constantly starring at you, and you're ignoring him in the most passionate way I've ever seen."

   "Yeah? Maybe you should ask him what's going on, as I am not the staring, ain't I? I don't know what is his problem."

   "Well, he's obviously fancying you", Ginny said and shrugged. "And you have a thing for him, too."

   Lynnea snorted cynically. "He's dating Johnson, remeber? And I don't care even a bit about him."

   "Angelina is a bitch, and he soon will notice that if he haven't already", Ginny replied, rolling her eyes. "And I'll do you the favour and will not explain your own feelings to you, I'll just watch you going on fighting it, until you'll finally give up." She grinned at Lynnea in a way that was creepy similar to her brothers, her eyes glimmering, telling Lynnea that she was up to no good at all.

   "I dare you, Gin, if you are planning anything stupid, I will -" She fell silent, as Fred and George got up and walked over.

   "Our last expandable ear", George said, a nude coloured string dangling from his fingers. "And as Granger's bloody cat is nowhere around, we can use it."

   "What's this?", Lynnea asked, taking the string and eyeing it suspicious.

   "You'll see", Fred said and winked at Lynnea, who immediately blushed. He put the string into his ear, Lynnea mimicked the movement. For seconds nothing happened; suddenly she twitched, as Remus' voice appeared in her ear as loud and clear as he'd be standing right next to her.

   "... step by step", he said. "Dumbledore is still trying to keep that all secret. As secret as possible."

   "That's amazingly beautiful", Moody's voice sarcastically spat. "If the Ministry would ever find out, we could grab both of them and bring them to You-know-who personally. Or kill them ourselves. It'd be just a matter of time."

   "You-know-who doesn't want her dead", Remus replied. "He could have killed her already. Dumbledore suggests he wants her alive. The question is why?"

   "If she really is his weapon against Harry", Arthur said in a low voice. "If Lynnea really is the one to kill Harry -"

   Lynnea tore the string out of her ear with all force she could afford. She felt my insides fall into a deep hole; in the grip of silent panic, wild eyes, pupils dilated, heart racing, brain on fire, brain synapses firing like a hyped up internal aurora borealis, like a cluster bomb exploding in her brain. The three Weasley's watched her with wide eyes full of horror.


   "Lynnea, come out now." Fred was knocking on the door. She ignored him. So she did for days now, since the had returned from the hospital. She sat on her bed, her knees pulled tightly to her body, staring at the blank wall in front of her. I won't kill my brother, she repeated in her head over and over. It was impossible that something like this could happen, something she didn't even want to imagine, even if she could.

   Sunken in her thoughts, her body jerked in shock to the sound of the familiar cracking noise, but the moment her eyes fell on Fred, she furrowed her eyebrows.

   "What have I told you about privacy?", she snapped, a growl escaping her throat.

   "And what have I told you about being bitchy?", he replied, wearing his disgusting cute smirk. He crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. "So how long have you planned to stay in here and pretend that you don't hear me?"

   "Until we leave for Hogwarts and I can hide in my common room from you", she muttered.

   "Nice idea, but you forgot I knew your password even long before you did", Fred chuckled. "Guess it's still pureblood."

    "Merlin, what is your bloody problem, Weasley?", Lynnea hissed, her eyes merely slits, but below all the rage, there was this tingling, and there was no chance to surpress it.

   He tilted his head, almost looking innocent the way he stared at her out of his warm golden brown eyes.

   "Because I care about you, Bailey", he said, unwinding his arms. "Is it so hard to believe?"

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