55 | A W A K E

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I lack the reason why I should be
                     so confused.

   "... I mean, it's been a month now. What if she won't -"

   "If you'll finish that sentence, I'll curse you, I swear!"

   "I'm just -"

   "No, just don't!"

   Lynnea's head felt heavy. She tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't. The voices around her seemed familiar, but her brain didn't seem to function properly. She tried to move, but her body fully denied its duty.

   "She'll wake up", someone whispered near her head, to the right. It was her brother's voice! She wanted to tell him, she was okay, but her lips stayed closed.

   "Of course she will! Hermione, how can you even waste a second in thinking, she won't?" That was Ginny, further away from Lynnea.

   "I'm curious, what she'll be telling, what has happened to her. I swear, if it was Zabini -"

   By the sound of his voice, Lynnea's eyes flung open and she shot up in a sitting position, but regretted it immediately. A sharp pain shot through her back like an electric shock wave and her face turned into a grimace. But nevertheless she looked into the caramel brown eyes of Fred Weasley, who looked at her stunned.

   "Lynn!", Harry called, he was sitting next to her bed and jumped up on his feet. Lynnea was in the hospital wing.

   Fred was sitting on the other side of the bed, next to George. Her eyes swayed through the room and she saw Ginny and Hermione sitting beside the bed next to hers. Ron was laying in there, looking unnatural pale. He was unconscious.

   "What happened to him?", Lynnea asked, and her voice sounded like thirty years chain-smoking. "And what are you doing here?" She looked at Fred and George.

   "Ron got poisoned", Hermione whispered in a shaky tone.

   "Mum and Dad are with Dumbledore right now", George said. "And we took the opportunity to visit our sleeping beauty."

   "What happened to you?", Fred asked, squeezing his girlfriend's hand. "You didn't wake up for a whole month!"

   "I don't know", she croaked. "I was on my way back to the common room. That's the last thing I remember." Besides the pain and the high pitched laughter, she thought to her, but didn't want to tell them.

   "D'you think Zabini - ?", Fred began his question, but she shook my head and he stopped.

   "Miss Potter, you're awake." Dumbledore entered the hospital wing together with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, who both looked terrible, and Madame Pomfrey, who almost threw Harry off his chair to get to Lynnea. "How are you feeling?"

   "I'm fine, I guess. My neck aches, but it's not that bad", she said. "How's about Ron? He will be fine, won't he?"

   "Ronald Weasley had great luck that Harry had the genius idea to give him a Bezoar in time", Dumbledore replied, smiling. "He'll be fine, it will just take some time for him to recover."

   Lynnea nodded and Madame Pomfrey pressed her back into the pillows. "You'll stay here for the rest of the week, until I'm sure, there's everything okay", she said. "I don't know what this is with you Potter Kids, first your father was more often here than in his classes, now his kids think, they'd live here." She shook her head and tingled away to her office.

   Lynnea smirked at Harry, but he just cracked a smile, before his face wore a worried look again. "Don't look at me like that, I'm fine", she said to him, but he just frowned.

   "It has been a month, Lynn", he said quietly. "A whole damn month. Do you know how long a month could be? And nobody knew what's wrong with you and if you'll ever wake up again!"

   "But I'm awake now and I'm fine", she replied and shrugged. She sat back up.

   "Just don't do that ever again", Fred said, leaning in and kissing her forehead.

   All of them stayed for a while, it was no cheerful reunion, they're all worrying about Ron. Hermione looked like she was about to burst into tears every now and then. It was late night, when finally Fred had to leave. He was the last one staying with me, Harry, Hermione and Ginny had to leave for curfew and George left with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley a few hours ago.

   "I don't want you to go", Lynnea mumbled, as Fred got off the chair beside her bed.

   "I don't want to go either, but I guess if Madame Pomfrey will come out of her office and notice I'm still here, she'll suck the blood out if my vessels", Fred chuckled and squeezed the girl's hand. Lynnea pouted and he let out a deep sigh. "We'll see again soon. Look, it's already March."

   "That's still almost four month til summer break!", she snapped and rolled her eyes.

    "Better than five, isn't it?", he replied smirking.

   "You're a dick", she growled.

   "All yours." He winked. "I wish I could stay with you here. I hate it to leave you alone. I never know, what miserable things are happening to you next. Or if I'll even get you back."

   "You'll ever get me back", she whispered, pulling him down on her face, meeting his lips.

"I love you, Lynnie", he whispered back.

   "Stop calling me like that, or I'll crash your nuts", Lynnea breathed, and he laughed silently. "I mean it! It sounds like an old lady's cat ..."

   His lips brushed hers again, forcing her to shut up.

   "If I don't go now, I'll take you right here next to my unconscious prat of a brother", he growled in a raspy voice.

   "Wow, Frederik, you know how to turn on a girl, do you?", she said quietly and giggled. "Go now, or I won't be able to resist that romantic offer of yours any longer."

   He laughed silently. "Take care, Lynnie, okay?", he said, while walking to the exit.

   "You too, Freddie", she sighed. He blew her one last kiss and winked, before he closed the door behind him.

   Lynnea lay back into the pillows, suddenly feeling a sharp sting on her neck. Her hand shot right to the point and she noticed my skin wasn't soft and straight there right under her hairline. As she stroke over it with her fingertips, she felt a strange line, that contrasted itself from the rest of her skin. Like a thin scar, right down her spine.

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