22 | S H O W D O W N

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oh, take me back to the start.


Lynnea and George stepped through the huge oak portal into the entrance hall, covered in snowflakes, but as the door fell shut behind her, she froze on spot. Angelina Johnson was stomping across the hall, her face a furious grimace.

"M-me?", Lynnea stammered, as the girl stopped few steps away from her.

"Yeah, you, you filthy snake!", Angelina barked, and Lynnea would not have wondered, if she'd spat fire. "Who do you even think you are, bitch?"

People stopped walking and turned their gazes at Angelina and Lynnea, and as it was right after dinner there were quite a lot of students around.

"I don't know what you're talking abo-"

"Oh, you know exactly, what I'm talking about!", she snapped.

"Angelina!", someone shouted out of the quiet folks around them, pushing through the crowd. It was Fred. "Stop that crap, it's not her fault!"

"So you think you're a special little snowflake, huh?", the tall black girl hissed, her eyes narrowed. "Coming here from Beauxbatons, first messing around with Aiden, and then you think you could kiss Fred, my Fred, just like that?"

Lynnea's eyes widened, her gaze fell on Fred. "You told her?", she asked, voice full of disbelief. "What on earth -"

"Shut up, slut!", Angelina barked, her wand snapping up, pointing straight at Lynnea's face.

"Really well done, Fred", George said, clapping his hands for a cynical applause. "You did a great job here - woah there, Lynn!"

Lynnea whipped out her wand, pointing it at Angelina. Out of the corner of her eye she saw more people push through the crowd, and Adrian, Mitchell and Draco put themselves between the two girls, wands tight in their fists, ready to strike.

"Calm your tits, Johnson, it's not Lynn's fault that your sad excuse of a boyfriend fell for her", Tracy's voice appeared out of nowhere just like the girl herself to Lynnea's right.

"Who can even blame him? You're just an egocentric whore", Daphne spat to her right, and if Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell wouldn't have been there to hold Angelina back, she would have thrown herself on Lynnea, scratching out her eyes, of that she was sure. The Gryffindor girl's eyes were glimming with the purest hatred, but by now also Lynnea's blood was boiling, and she just waited for an excuse to run her fists into Angelina's face.

"You better piss off now, Johnson", Adrian hissed, his wand hand twitching. Angelina flinched forward, but Alicia and Katie pulled her back, dragging her through the crowd until they vanished behind a tapestry that lead to a secret passage.

Draco grabbed Lynnea's arm and slowly lowered her wand until it faced the floor. She was panting heavily, her eyes merely slits. Draco looked at her in an unreadable expression, their eyes locked for a second, until Fred's voice made her jerk her head around.

"Lynn, I'm sorry, I didn't -"

"You stay away from her, Weasley!", Adrian snapped, pointing his wand at him, but Fred didn't care. His face was plain, but his eyes were begging.

"Lynn, please -"

But Lynnea narrowed her eyes, feeling dead empty. "Haven't you heard what Adrian said?", she spat, before she turned around and walked away, pushing herself through the crowd, Daphne and Tracey next to her, followed by the boys. She didn't even mind everybody was staring at her. Right in that moment she felt nothing at all.


"It's over", Fred sighed, falling into the comfort of the armchair right by the fireplace, where Ginny and George were already sitting. "Angelina ditched me."

"What did you expect?", Ginny asked, raising an eyebrow. "I don't mean to be rude, but this time you really fucked it up, Freddie."

"Don't you think I know?", he snapped, and Ginny furrowed her eyebrows. "Sorry", he sighed. "This is crap. I should never have kissed her. I should never have made even an attempt to at least become friends with her. I mean she obviously hated me right from the start."

"Say, doesn't it hurt to be that stupid?", Ginny snorted, rolling her eyes. "She doesn't hate you. She fell for you the second you met. And you did, too."

"Then why does she treat me as if I'm a Flubberworm?"

"Because you act like you're a Flubberworm", George scoffed. "Really, Fred, you should have broken up with Angelina month ago and simply admit to Lynnea, that you like her. At least everyone knew already."

"Well, now it's too late", Fred mumbled.

"Maybe it's better that way", Ginny said, and her two brothers looked at her curious. "You were in the hospital, too, yeah? You heard what Dad said? We don't know anything about her, she appeared out of nothing, we don't even know why on earth Dumbledore took her to the headquarter. Maybe he wants to have an eye on her because she actually is danger."

"Lynnea? Dangerous?", George laughed. "Ginny, please, she's as soft as a Pygmy Puff."

"Her parents were Order members", Fred said, shaking his head. "And You-Know-Who is probably after her. She's no killer, Gin, don't be stupid!"

"I'd suggest", George said, cutting Ginny, who'd opened her mouth for an answer, off. "that Fred for once in his life will just do the right thing and get the girl."

"Anyway, I'll try to find out more about her", Ginny replied. "I don't trust her -"

"You were kinda like her best friend one month ago!", George chimed in. "She's okay. She's more than okay. Don't act like she's carrying a deadly disease. Why on earth should she kill anyone? She and Harry are friends."

"She doesn't act like that lately."

"Ginny, she's fifteen", Fred laughed. He couldn't even imagine Lynnea to harm a fly. "But it doesn't matter, because she won't ever talk to me again, so if you excuse me now, I'll go to bed and try to forget about this day."

But lying in bed he couldn't think of anything else than Lynnea's hurt expression. Still when George entered the dormitory two hours later, he lay wide awake, her face was haunting his sleepless mind. A part of him even did agree with Ginny, but he pushed it aside. Lynnea was wonderful, beautiful, and he finally drifted into a bittersweet dream of her being his, well aware it might never would happen.

✔️ 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓&𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 → 𝑓. 𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑦Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant