85 | I N F O R M A T I O N

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it was a thousand to one
        and a million to two.


   Fume, dust, debris. All around Lynnea were the noises of an ongoing fight, spells shot through the air, yells and screams, as she ran through the castle, ducking away, never looking back. As she went further up, she could hear them, they were fighting, she was almost there. Running around the corner Lynnea saw the backs of three redheads, brown curls and some messy black hair. Her heart jumped; she found them. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and some other redhead she didn't recognise, were fighting off Death Eaters, as well as the current Minister, Thicknesse. she could hear Fred laugh, she almost stumbled as she tried to run faster - but suddenly froze in motion as a loud bang shook the ground, she saw the walls crumble, more dust, she couldn't see -

   "NO!", Lynnea screamed at the top of her lungs, snapping up into a sitting position, sweat was covering her body and she was breathing heavily.

   She looked around and was alone. Fred wasn't here. It was still dark outside, so she wondered, were he could have been. Lynnea pulled the blankets aside, quietly leaving the bed. As she stepped outside of the room, she heard voices whisper downstairs, but couldn't understand what they're talking about, neither who it was. On tiptoes she made her way down, jumping over the fifth step, for she knew it was arching. The further she went down, she noticed whom the voices belonged to;  it was Remus and George.

   "- are you sure, Remus?", George asked in a fierce whisper. "What would that mean?"

   "No, I'm not, it's just a theory, and as I'm not Dumbledore, my theories are not one hundred percent right", Remus said. "Therefore we should not tell anyone. Especially not Lynnea."

   "And Fred", George added.

   "Right", Remus whispered. "Have an eye on her, would you? I'll try to find out more about it."

   "Of course." After a pause, George said in a low voice: "So if it's true ..."

   "Lynnea would have to die."


   Remus was gone for days now, but what wouldn't want to leave her alone were her dreams. It was May now, Bill every now and then came over to tell her, that Harry, Ron and Hermione were still with him. The fact of that calmed her down more than anything else. Most time here at the Burrow, she spent with Fred.

   "Why don't you take the charm off, there's no need to hide the baby in here", he asked. They were sitting in the living room, she was reading on the couch, while he was just watching her.

   "I think it's creepy", Lynnea muttered. "Don't get me wrong, I'm all happy about this, but I always thought that I won't be a mum until twenty-five or something."

   "I know exactly what you mean, love", he replied, smirking. "I hope, we won't fuck up."

   "We won't, dickhead", she said, nudging him with her book. "Don't think like that."

   "You'll be awful, the two of you", George, who entered the living room with a damping coffee mug, said. "You can't call your future husband a dickhead, while your unborn is listening. Bad enough the tiny twart will inherit his father's miserable manners and his awful behaviour -"

   "Shut up, dipshit", Fred yelled, throwing a pillow at his twin, which hit him right in the face.

   "That's exactly, what I was talking about! Manners, brother, manners!", George sighed. "Stop talking like a pirate!"

   "Who are you, Mister?", Lynnea said, raising an eyebrow. "You've an incredible similarity to someone I know, but he's way cooler than you, whiny bitch."

   "I give up. The child is doomed", George groaned, rolling his eyes.

   "Love you, too, Georgie", Lynnea laughed.

   "Uncle of the year", Fred snarled. "So, what's up? Any news?"

   "Nope", George replied, flinging himself on the couch. "Lee's the opinion, we should settle back down in the Room of Requirement, for it's the best place to gain news."

   "Will you go?", I asked.

   "And miss all the fun here? At least someone has to make sure, you lots won't pervert the baby."

   "Pervert?", Lynnea echoed. "Are you fucking serious?"

   "See! Your wording is awful, Potter", he said, frowning, and with the corners of his mouth twitching. His eyes flickered over to the door. "Oh, hey Remus!"

   George's smile dropped, when he as well as Lynnea noticed Remus' stern look.

   "What's up? Is somebody dead?", Fred asked in a sharp tone, half-lifted himself off his seat.

   But Remus' eyes lay an Lynnea. "I need to talk to you", he said and she felt the blood leaving her face.

   "Is it Harry?", she breathed, barely audible.

   "No", Remus said. "Harry is fine. They all are", he added and the tense fell from her body. "Boys, could you please leave me and Lynn alone for a moment, this is very important."

   Fred hesitated, looking from her to Remus, and back to Lynnea. Ahe gave a small nod and shrugged, then he left together with Goerge, but threw a gaze back over his shoulder and she knew he was searching for an Expendable Ear inside the pocket of his jeans. Remus seemed to be well aware of this, too.

   "Muffliato!", he murmured, pointing his wand on the door.

   "So ... What's up?", Lynnea asked, as Remus sat down to her opposite.

   "Lynn, this is very important", Remus said with a frown, his eyes narrowed; he was looking so much older than usual. "The mission Dumbledore gave Harry -"

   "You know exactly, that I can't tell you anything about it, Remus", she replied and raised an eyebrow. "If Dumbledore didn't want you to be involved -"

   "This has nothing to do with being involved", Remus harshly said, waving it off. "I have a guess. And if I'm right, ... Please tell me, I am wrong, Lynnea."

   She looked at him confused. "Why - what? I can't tell you anything, please, Remus, don't ask me ..."

   His flat hand hit the table plate in front of us and Lynnea jumped. "You don't understand! This is ... important! Maybe we don't have much time left. I need to find a way - Lynn, please, you have to tell me! I wanted to ask Harry himself, but they left in the morning."

   Her heart sunk, but Remus wouldn't give her a chance to deal with that information.

   "Lynnea, is Harry hunting down Horcruxes?"

   The girl's jaw dropped before she could do anything to stop it. And that seemed to be exactly the information, Remus needed. His eyes widened, and as every color left his face, he closed his eyes, sinking back into the couch and covering his face in his hands, letting out a long groan.

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