77 | T O R N

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Don't get too close;
it's dark inside.                 
It's were my demons hide.


   Wandering through the forest for days, they found no sign of Harry and Hermione. Ron was sure, they were there. Lynnea did't know whether he'd lost his mind, or if it was herself going crazy, but they stayed. They stayed there at the cold forest for days now, and nothing ever happened, but it was the only thing we had to hold on.

   "Maybe you should return to Fred", Ron told Lynnea not the first time since we left. "You don't look well. I guess you need a bed or something."

   "I'm okay, Ron", she replied for the dozenth time. "It's just the stress." Lynnea was still feeling sick every now and then, but she didn't mind. All she minded was to find Harry and Hermione, knowing they were okay ...

   "Okay okay, but lay down in the tent for a while, Fred will kill me, if I damage his bride", Ron muttered.

   "Damaged? Really, Ronald?", I chuckled. "I'm just a bit unwell, it's not that bad. I guess as soon as we find Hermione, she for sure will have a potion or something to make me feel better."

   "Yeah, but until we'll find them, lay down, the snow is jealous of your face", Ron said and Lynnea rolled her eyes, stepping into that tiny tent he lent from Bill. The sun was already setting and she lay down on one of the bunks and soon fell asleep with a tight grip around her wand.

   When she awoke, Ron wasn't there. It was dark outside, the blackness of the forest didn't let the moonlight through its tight canopy. Lynnea didn't dare to put a light on, neither did she dare to call for Ron. Her eyes stared into the darkness, until they got used to the shadows around her. The wind was blowing, making the dead leaves rustle over the frozen ground. She silently cursed; where the bloody hell was Ron? Had he really left her alone here? He wouldn't have done that without a very very good reason - or if someone would have forced him to leave.

   A crack out of the blackness caused her body to stiffen. Her gaze fixed the point where the noise came from, begging it to be an animal ... But another crack broke the silence. And another. Another. Steps. Someone was coming closer.

   Lynnea raised her wand. She didn't move a muscle. Whoever it might was, there was a chance he wouldn't see her in the shelter of the night. But he was coming closer, straight in her direction. And there, where a small ray of moonlight had fought its way through the forest's baldaquin, Lynnea recognised the person standing in the darkness and staring at her, his wand outstretched.

   "Harry", she breathed, running at him. His wand didn't lower.

   "Stay away", he said with a broken voice. "Please don't make it that hard."

   "What are you talking 'bout?", Lynnea asked, dazzled. "Where is Hermione? And Ron?"

   "In the castle", he plainly replied. "They'll end it."

   "In the - what? Harry, I don't understand, I -"

   "We'll be reunited soon, Lynn, I promise", he said and something tingled her memory, she lowered her wand, looking at him, her head tilted. "I'm so sorry ..."

   Lynnea dropped her wand. "Do it", she said, swallowing the knot in her throat.

   He hesitated for a second. "I love you, Harry", his sister whispered.

   "Love you, too, Lynnie ...", he mumbled, and then a green jet of light whirred straight at her head, she closed her eyes -

   Smack! Lynnea felt a sharp pain on her cheek and her eyes shot open, a small scream escaped the girl's throat. She wasn't in the small tent any longer, instead she was lying on the cold ground, staring up at Hermione.

   "Mione!", Lynnea yelped. "What - how - ?"

   "Shh, calm down, everything's okay", Hermione said, helping her up into a sitting position.

   "Where are we?", Lynnea said dazzled. "Where are Harry and Ron?"

   "They're inside, changing into some dry clothes", Hermione said, as if that would explain anything. "You had a - a kind of fever, you were like burning, so we lay you here outside. How are you feeling right now?"

   "Oh, fantastic", Lynnea sarcastically replied. "Why do the boys need dry clothes?"

   "Ronald destroyed the Horcrux. The locket." The corners of her mouth twitched. "What was up with you?"

   "Nothing. Just a bad dream."

   "Just a - ? You were screaming through the whole forest, I found you laying on the floor, jerking like crazy. Why weren't you in your tent?"

   "I was." Lynnea rubbed her temples. "I have no idea, what happened. I was not feeling well, Ron told me to lay down. I went to sleep, had a strange dream, then I woke up here."

   "Lynn, what happened to your face?" A blush was creeping up the redheads face and she lowered her eyes.

   "I'm looking beautiful, ain't I?", she mumbled bitterly. "I splintered when I had to flee from Grimmauld Place. Mrs. Weasley did her best to fix it, but she couldn't do any more."

   "It's not that bad", Hermione said, smiling embracingly.

   "Yeah, you kinda look like the rebel you are." Lynnea jerked as the entrance of the tent was opened, a chuckling Harry stepping outside in the cold night, and the memory of the dream sent shivers down Lynnea's spine and she immediately felt her face heathen up in shame. This was still her brother, she shouldn't be afraid of him. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Are you okay?"

   "Yeah, guess so ...", She said, still not able to look at him. "Just a bit sick or so ..."

   "Yeah, well, let's get inside, you should lay down for a while", he said, stretching out his hand for Lynnea to take it.

   "Laying down was what brought me here", she replied, smiling sheepishly. "Maybe I should better - AAARGH! What the bloody - AAAHH!" Lynnea had grabbed Harry's hand and a sharp pain shot down her neck, it felt like her bones were set on fire, like someone was cutting her skin open with a hot knife ... Her eyes rolled back into her head, she needed it to stop, she needed it to end ...

"We'll be reunited in the blink of an eye, Lynn." The green light was flashing and Lynnea knew she was dead.

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