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tell all our enemies          
          we are ready for the war.

   "Remus, what - ouch!" Confused Lynnea grabbed into her jeans, where a burning pain shot through her leg, coming from the pocket.

   "What is it?", Remus asked, staring at her dazzled, while she slowly longed for what was in her trousers. A few seconds ago it was hot as hell, but now it was just left slightly warm. Lynnea ignored Remus and stared at the fake Galleon, Hermione handed her in their fifth year for Dumbledore's Army. There on its edges was clearly readable: May 1st, 21:43.

  Lynnea looked up at Remus, her mouth agape. Fred bursted in, followed by George. "Did you -?", both of them started speaking unison, but immediately stopped, as their eyes fell on the Galleon between her fingers. "We should go", Fred said. 

   "Go?", Remus asked. "What's going on here?"

   "Harry's at Hogwarts", George said.

   "How do we come there?", Lynnea asked, putting the coin back into her pocket.

   "Aberforth", Fred and George said.

   "Would someone please tell me, what is going on here?", Remus yelled, looking from Fred to George, furious.

   "Neville gave us the sign", Fred said, holding up the Galleon. Lynnea looked at him bug-eyed. So he knew? "This Galleons show the date and time, Harry returned to Hogwarts. This is it, Remus. It's the beginning."

   "Go and inform the Order", George said. "And don't worry about Lynn. We bing her to the Room of Requirements, it's impossible for anyone to find her in there."

   Remus mouth opened for a reply, but Fred already had grabbed Lynnea's arm and disapparated with her. They landed straight in a dusty old pub.

   "What the hell is going on here?", someone shouted and Lynnea snapped my wand up. "Does my home look like a kind of train station to you lots?"

   "Ah, so we aren't the first to arrive here, Aberforth?", Fred asked and Lynnea looked at the man in front of her. She had to blink twice, to notice, this was not Albus Dumbledore. The similarities were stunning; but the man's nose wasn't crooked, neither did he were spectacles.

   "Take your wand down, girl", he said to her, then looked back at Fred. "You shouldn't have brought her here. And no, you're not the first. By the way, where is your annoying double?"

   "You asked for me?" With a loud crack, George appeared next to Lynnea, making her jump. But she lowered her wand slowly. "Remus is not amused. He wants Lynn to stay in the Room of Requirements, until he arrives."

   "Best idea someone had today", Aberforth said. "This is not a joke, Weasley", he told Fred. "Make sure, Lynnea stays there."

   "You know who I am?", Lynnea asked.

   Fred laughed and Aberforth said: "Of course, you're dumb enough to marry this fool here. Also my brother thought it was a good idea, telling me about you. The necklace Albus gave you ... have you already found out?"

   "Guess it wasn't the right time, yet", she said and shrugged. "You're Aberforth Dumbledore? His brother?"

   "Ah, well, they told me, you're a brilliant girl." Lynnea rolled her eyes at his sarcastic voice. "Better find out about the necklace, soon."

   "Do you know anything about it?", she asked.

   "Too much, but I won't be the one to tell you", he said. "Now up to the castle, before the next people arrive. Here isn't enough room for all of you." He clapped a portrait aside; behind it, there was a long tunnel, it was pitch black.

   "Well, let's go!" Fred swished his wand and a light appeared on its tip.

   "What is this about?", Lynnea asked after a while in the tunnel.

   "Long story", Fred replied. "I try making it short. Remember our radio? I told you, we were in the Room of Requirements. So, Neville made up a kind of headquarter in there. Ginny is there for weeks now, everyone who went in hiding is there, when they got the chance to. Unfortunately they took a few of them, like Luna. So, as we all were sure, Harry sooner or later will appear at Hogwarts, Neville came up with the plan, to use our good old Galleons. Everyone of us is still wearing it. Even you, little snake."

   "To be honest, I don't even know why I still take it with me ... I guess I thought ... well, I don't know, what I thought", Lynnea said, rubbing her forehead, after she bumped against a rock on the ceiling. "So this tunnel leads to the Room of Requirement?"

   "Exactly", George said. "It appeared one day. You know, we needed food and stuff and the first Principal Expectations to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration -"

   "You're really the one with the brains", she chimed in and George chuckled.

   "Well, that was the reason the tunnel appeared and Aberforth was kind enough to feed us", George finished. "Take care, here starts the stair."

   Lynnea got the feeling, it took about an hour to climb up the long staircase; finally they arrived at a door. Fred pushed it open, and she was staring down at a whole lot of people - there was Seamus Finnigan, Neville and Ginny, both Patil twins, a Hufflepuff boy called Ernie Macmillan, the three Ravenclaws of her year, Terry Boot, Anthony Goldstein and Michael Corner, Luna and Dean Thomas were also there, looking like they just appeared here. Lee Jordan was greeting Fred and George enthusastically.

   And in the middle of them all, Lynnea found Harry, Ron and Hermione. Harry looked at her wide-eyed and she exactly knew, he didn't want her to be here, but she didn't mind; she made my way through the small crowd, throwing her arms around her brother

   "You shouldn't have come here", he whispered into her hair, hugging her back.

   "Don't worry, I'm just here for hiding", she said, as the portrait swung open again and Cho Chang stepped in. "What are you doing here? If they find out ..."

   "Ravenclaws diadem", he just said, and Lynnea
understood. "I'm going to the Ravenclaw Tower with Luna now, he knows I'm after it, I guess. He knows, that I'm aware of them existing. It's just a matter of time, he's getting here."

   "Then hurry", she said, letting go of him. He nodded and threw his Invisibility Cloak over Luna and himself. Fred pulled Lynnea in his arms from behind.

   "He'll be fine", he said. "You know, he always is."

   "Yepp ..."

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