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lost in darkness
you're my focus;
               love me hopeless.

   "A baby?!", Remus asked in a high pitched voice. "But - but you're too young! Both of you are!"

   He was about to freak out, but Lynnea didn't care. Her eyes lay on Fred. He was pale as a piece of parchment, his eyes widened, not breathing. 

   "Say something", Lynnea whispered, begging  him with a desperate gaze. "Please Fred, just say anything!"

   As if her voice would tear him out of a trance, he slightly shook his head and fixed her with his warm brown eyes, taking a deep breath.

   "So ... when will I become a dad?", he said, and to Lynnea's surprise started smiling.

   She couldn't do anything but smile in return. "Well, I'm not sure about this, to be honest, I noticed some weeks ago. I did - well as I noticed my tummy was turning bigger, I used an Undetectable Extension Charm to hide it from the others ..."

   "Brilliant!", George laughed. "Come on, Remus, it's not like they're fourteen.  They're both of age."

   "Yes, but - but how - ?"

   "If I have to explain this to you, I'd start doubting if Teddy is truly your son", Fred said, his lips twitching. "So, don't make such a song and dance about it. It's not like a child will starve with us."

   "She hasn't even finished school", Remus chimed in.

   "Well, because the recent headmaster wants to sell her to You-Know-Who", George said, shrugging. "She was a brilliant student and she's a Potter, it's not like she won't find a job, when this is over."

   Remus muttered something under his breath, and Lynnea grabbed his arm. "It's okay, Remus, we'll be fine, I guess", she said in a low voice.

   "You should tell Molly", Remus said after a while of silence. "We can't bring you to a Healer, but Molly's pretty good, she should have a look on you, see if everything's fine ..."

   "I don't need Mom to see that not everything's fine", George said, rolling his eyes. "She's obviously ill."

   "Maybe it has something to do with the baby", Lynnea replied. "Do you think, there's something wrong? I mean, I was pretty stressed for months now. Being on the run, being captured - might the Apparition didn't turn out to be that healthy for it."

"Normally apparition shouldn't be a problem", Remus said and got up. "I'll go for Molly. She's the expert."

   "Yeah at least she got seven of this things", George added and Fred hid his laughter in a dry cough, as Remus left the room, still looking dazzled as hell.

   "I guess you broke poor Moony", Fred bursted out laughing.

   "He'll be fine", George said, waving it of. "Give him something to chew on and let him howl at the moon, and he'll be okay again."

   Lynnea smirked, being glad, Fred didn't take it bad at all; another time he surprised her, for she thought, he'd completely loose it. But there he sat, a bright, proud smile on his lips, looking at the soon to be mother of his child.


   Of course Mrs Weasley was highly amazed by the fact, that she'd become a grandma. But although she couldn't find out, what was wrong with Lynnea.

   "I'm no Healer, Remus, but in my opinion she's fine", she told my godfather at dinner. "Even Greyback's bitemark has been finally healed. I also don't think, that her fever and the passing out has something to do with the baby. Better find out, what's up with the scar."

   "I'll try", Remus said, and lifted himself up. "I'll go now. Thanks for the meal, Molly. If you need me, Lynn, ask Arthur, he knows how to contact me. Meanwhile I'll be finding out, what your scar is about."

   "Greet Tonks and Teddy", Lynnea said, cracking a smile, as he nodded and disapparated with a loud crack. Lynnea was left with the twins and Mrs Weasley, all eyes on her.

   "Don't look at me as if I'd drop dead at any moment", she muttered. She nervously fumbled on the necklace Dumbledore had given her, what drew Fred's attention to it.

   "What's that?"

   "Don't know yet, I got it from Dumbledore", Lynnea said, looking down at the tiny vial dangling on it. "He said, when time's right, I'll know what to do with it. Guess time isn't right yet, because I have not the slightest idea what to do with it."

   Fred nodded. After we finished our meal, they went back to Fred's old bedroom, Lynnea was still feeling sick and wanted to lay down for a while.

   "I want to marry you", Fred said, stroking her hair back out of her face. "Now", he added.

   "I can't marry you now", she replied, sighing. "I would. But I can't, when Harry isn't here. And Ron and Hermione. We'll plan our wedding as soon, as this all is over."

   "What if one of the two of us won't make it out of this war alive?", he asked, frowning. "And with one of us I mean you. They're all after you."

   "They want me alive, don't forget about that."

   "What if they change their minds?"

   "I don't know. I don't even know, why he wants me", Lynnea muttered, her eyelids were getting heavy and she felt herself drifting away. "It's because of you I'm in sorrow. You and everyone else."

   "I'm a pureblood, they don't kill purebloods", Fred replied, softly shrugging.

   "Yeah?", Lynnea asked. "Tell that my pureblood Dad. Oh, wait! You can't. They killed him."

   "Lynnie, I'm sorry, I -"

   "It's okay", she said, closing my eyes. "Just promise me you won't get yourself into danger. Promise to stay with me until the very end."

   "I do", said Fred and Lynnea smiled, before she drifted away into a restless sleep.

✔️ 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓&𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 → 𝑓. 𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑦Where stories live. Discover now