26 | O B E Y

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         one day the tables will turn.
I'll celebrate as I watch you burn.         

   "I still can't believe you dated Malfoy", Fred snorted, softly chuckling.

   "I didn't date him", Lynnea replied in a small voice. "And by the way I'm feeling uncomfortably here. They're all staring!"

   And indeed they were. Fred had persuaded Lynnea to join him and George at the Gryffindor table for dinner. The Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were wrenching their necks to have some subtle stares every now and then, but the Slytherins were not that discreet; staring at Lynnea with mostly narrowed eyes, some of them even obviously pointed with their fingers at her. Aiden's face was a shocked and also angry grimace. But worst of all was Tracy's and Daphne's told-you-so looks. And then there was Angelina Johnson, killing Lynnea with her gazes in the cruelest way possible.

   "Let them stare", Fred cheerfully retorted, highly amused about the whole situation.

   "Johnson is looking like she's up to stabbing me with her fork ..."

   "Lynnea, calm down, they'll get used to it", Fred laughed.

   "What are you doing here?" Lynnea looked up, and found Ron staring at here rather shocked. Also Harry and Hermione watched the whole scene with sceptical looks on their faces. But that was nothing compared to the look Ginny gave her, sending cold shivers down Lynnea's spine.

   "She's my date", Fred said, smirking.

   "Yeah, and it's a lousy date", Lynnea mumbled, narrowing her eyes at Fred.

   "A date?", Harry and Hermione gasped unison, both clearly not amused about this.

   "So you're finally a thing?", Hermione asked, bug-eyed.

   "I don't think so", Lynnea said sarcastically. "I gave Fred a chance and he messed it totally up by bringing me to the kittens' food place." She rolled her eyes and nudged him in the ribs.

   "I already told you, I'm sorry", Fred replied. "Damnit, Bailey, I told you I'm a simple man."

   "George was right, you're an idiot", she shot back.

"You said that?", Fred now asked his twin brother, clasping a hand over his heart. "How could you betray me like that? Your own brother! Your twin! We're one!"

   "You were an idiot", George plainly replied, grinning.

   "So what now? Are you dating?", Ron repeated Hermione's question, his right eyebrow raised high.

   "Of course they are", Ginny spoke in an icy voice. "She wouldn't be sitting here at our table, earning death glares from the whole folks around here, if they wouldn't."

   "A Gryffindor dating a Slytherin", Ron sighed. "Well, that's nothing daily I'd say, so of course they stare."

   "They stare, because they're as small minded, as you", Hermione hissed at him.

   "Yeah", Lynnea retorted quietly. "And now I'm leaving, I have enough of thi-"

   "Hem hem."

   Lynnea closed her eyes for a brief moment, begging for calm nerves, as she slowly turned around. Umbridge wasn't much larger than the sitting Lynnea. With a fake smile on her lips, she tilted her head to look down on the girl.

   "Miss Bailey, this isn't your house table."


   "You better join the right table." She made a pause. "Now."

✔️ 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓&𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 → 𝑓. 𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑦Where stories live. Discover now