45 | L U N A T I C

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a kiss with a fist
is better than none.

   Still fuming Lynnea entered the empty potions classroom; at least she thought it was empty, until she sat down and recognising a movement out of the corner of her eye. Turning her head she caught Blaise Zabini staring at her from across the room. She cocked an eyebrow at him, before she turned away, taking her books out of her bag. Looking up to place the books on the table, she jerked backwards, as Blaise suddenly was standing right in front of her.

   "Lynnea, is it?", he asked, revealing a row of splendid white teeth as he grinned.

   "Took you a full year to notice, yeah?", she sneered sarcastically. The boy never had made any attempt to speak to her more than a 'hello'.

   "Didn't want to get into Weasley's line of fire", he replied, excusingly smiling. "I couldn't avoid to notice that you seem a bit upset."

   "Am not", she plainly told him. I'm deadly pissed and I'll slap your fucking charming face if you won't leave me alone immediately, an angry voice in her head growled.

   "Okay, I can understand that you might be kinda sceptical why I haven't talked to you ever before, but now", he chuckled. "But I'd really love to get to know you better. Is there any chance that you'd agree in hanging out with me sometime?"

   "Why?", she asked, raising an eyebrow. But he didn't have the chance to answer, as the door flung open and their classmates filled the room.

   "You know she didn't mean it -", Hermione whispered, as she sat down next to Lynnea, but was immediately cut of by her.

   "Oh Merlin, don't try to sugarcoat it, she exactly meant it!", Lynnea hissed through gritted teeth, when Slughorn entered the room and the whole class fell silent. Hermione gave her a pityful gaze, but Lynnea plainly stared at the blackboard, ignoring her. She didn't move a muscle, until a tiny paper airplane landed on her desk. She looked around, everyone was busy writing down the ingredients for today's potion, but Blaise Zabini's dark eyes lay on her.

   Unfolding the small piece of parchment, it told her:

    Meet me after dinner down by the lake? B.

   She cocked an eyebrow at him, and he shrugged and smiled sheepishly, so Lynnea gave him a small nod.

   "Lynn!" Draco caught up with her after class, grabbing her arm.

   "Ah, Draci", she snorted. "I see, Pansy let you off your leash?"

   "Funny", he dryly replied. "Listen, don't meet up with Blaise."

   "What?", she said, abruptly stopping.

   "Don't meet Blaise", he repeated, rolling his eyes.

   "Yeah, I got this, but why?"

   "I - just trust me."

   "I probably would, but this is none of your business", she sneered. "So excuse me, I've got some homework that won't finish itself, unfortunately."

   "Lynn ..."

   But she didn't listen, instead she left him standing in the hallway, following her classmates to the library.


   Blaise turned out to be a nice company, and she was grateful he took his time to spend it with her, as there was no one else left; with Ginny bitching and Harry having private lessons, Pansy's tight grip around Draco's nuts and Daphne and Tracey being busy snogging their new boyfriends she would have felt completely alone, if gladly there wouldn't have been Blaise. He was witty and polite, and it was curiously easy to spend hours with him that used to feel like seconds.

   It didn't take too long for them to leave the friendzone and they landed beneath his sheets after a long night with loads of Firewhiskey.

   It was no compare to her nights with Fred; she didn't feel anything for Blaise but a strange kind of longing, and he pleased it whenever she asked for it - and took it whenever he needed. At the beginning she felt fine with that, but the longer it went on the more guilt pressed on her chest, but on the other hand she didn't want to end it, what in retrospect she should have done.

   Nights with Blaise went rougher, but she didn't mind. She didn't care about feeling sore and wounded in the mornings, and after another couple of weeks she even didn't care about the guilt anymore. The tall, dark Slytherin boy owned her, even though she'd never admit it to anyone.

   Nothing was fine, but at least all was okay. Somehow.

   "C'mon, I want it now", he whispered in her ear, while she was sitting down on a small round table in the common room, bowed over a letter for George. His fingers traced down her shoulders, resting on her collarbone.

   "Just let me finish that", she said, trying to ignore the shivers running down her spine.

   "Homework can wait", he said in a raspy voice, before his lips met the delicate skin of her neck.

   "This isn't homework, I'm ready in about five minutes, so just be patient", she replied, trying not to sound annoyed.

   "Who is George?", he suddenly growled, his hands leaving her body.

   "Just a friend of mine. Haven't written him for weeks, so I thought - ouch!"

   Blaise had harshly grabbed her pointail and pulled her neck down, forcing her to stare into his wild glimming eyes.

   "You're hurting me", she hissed, trying to get out of his grip. Immediately he let go, his glare softening. "What the hell is wrong with you?", she cried, jumping up onto her feet. "Don't ever dare to do that again."

   It happened without a warning. The moment his eyes darkened, his hand was already raised, hitting her straight across the face. She stumbled backwards, crushing against the table of the empty common room. A searing shot of pain ran up Lynnea's body, a scream escaping her lips.

   "Say, are you bonkers?", she snapped at him, her hand was on its way to cover her throbbing cheek, but he was faster, his large fingers squeezing her face.

   "You're mine", he said in a dangerous low voice. "Do you understand?" She didn't answer and he pressed harder, shaking her. "Do you understand?", he echoed himself, his face close to hers.

   She wanted to yell at him, tell him to piss off, that she didn't belong anyone, that he was nothing but a sad excuse of a human being ... But even if she could have talked, even if he wouldn't have his hand clanched on her face, she wouldn't have been able. So she nodded, and watched his eyes softening, as did the his grip, until he let go.

   "I'm pleased to hear", he said with a confident smile, taking her hand. "Now come."

✔️ 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓&𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 → 𝑓. 𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑦Where stories live. Discover now