28 | C A U G H T

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violence, give me violence,
cause they say we're
              the messed up ones.

   Umbridge! Lynnea understood what Dobby was trying to tell them long before Harry seemed to.

   "Dobby, what do you m-", he said, pulling the house elf up from the ground, but Lynnea grabbed his arm, cutting him of mid sentence.

   "Harry, it's Umbridge, she's coming!", she whispered and watched the color drop from Harry's face, as his eyes widened.

   "Have you -?"

   "No!", she yelled, furrowing her eyebrows. She couldn't believe he was really thinking Lynnea would sell them to Umbridge. Harry through one last gaze at Lynnea, before he shouted: "What the hell are you waiting for? RUN!"

   Fred was immediately by Lynnea's side, grabbing her wrist to pull her with him. Outside the Room of Requirement he pulled a tapestry aside and shoved her in.

   "Go down there, this leads straight to the dungeons." Without another word he closed the tapestry and Lynnea glared down a long gloomy staircase for a second, before she started running for her life.


   Dumbledore was gone. The Minister of Magic himself came to take him to Azkaban, but Dumbledore flew. Umbridge was the new headmistress, and this was a living hell. With her being headmistress came loads of new educational degrees, and Lynnea was just waiting for Umbridge to kick her out of Hogwarts. But Lynnea swore to not leave without a decent fight.

   But if all of that wasn't bad enough, Fred seemed to be avoiding her. Of course he, George and Lee Jordan were pretty busy with their newest priority to give Umbridge the hottest hell they could, starting with a big bright firework, which Umbridge had a hard time fighting,  particularly because none of the other professors didn't even make the slightest attempt to help her.

   Furthermore Lynnea had some strange dreams about Harry. The boy was walking down a long and dark corridor, and this - of that she was sure - was nowhere to be found at Hogwarts. Everytime he came closer to a black door, she could feel his euphoria, but she herself felt like something about this was completely wrong; that they shouldn't been here. One night he finally managed to enter the door, finding himself in a circular roo,, but all of a sudden Lynnea awoke, sweating and trembling, trying to regulate her breath back to normal. She heard the other girls breathing, obviously asleep, so she got up as quiet as possible and went into the common room. The fire was mere weakly glimming, as she sat in one of the emerald green armchairs, trying to forget about that dream, but this uncomfortable feeling seemed to be stuck with her.

   "What are you doing here?"

   Lynnea snapped around, facing Pansy standing near the corridor, that lead to the dorm.

   "I think that's none of your business, Parkinson", Lynnea growled. "Piss off, I ain't got the nerve for you right now."

   "As if I'd care", she snarled. "You're not allowed to be out of bed, I could give you detention." She smiled devilishly, but Lynnea just rolled her eyes, turning back to the fire.

   "Whatever makes you happy", she plainly retorted. Since Dumbledore had left the DA had detention every night, so Lynnea really didn't care.

   "Oh well, I'll just leave you sitting here enjoying yourself as long as you're still able to do so, Potter." With that she turned around and left, Lynnea watched her in shock as her head jerked around. Pansy's words echoed in her ears like a canon call. Frozen she stared at the point Pansy had been standing. Maybe her ears had pranked her. Maybe Pansy had said something completely different. Maybe Lynnea got that wrong ... But there was no use in lying to herself, she'd clearly heard what the girl had said. There was no doubt. Pansy Parkinson knew who she was.


   "Fred! Fred, gosh, would you please wait for me?" Lynnea was running after her boyfriend who had walked out onto the curtyard, his flaming red hair shining in the sun like a beacon. "Fred!" She finally caught up with him and touched his shoulder lightly, wich made him stop aprubtly and turn around.

   "What?", he snapped, an unusual grim look on his face.

   "Someone stepped on your wand?", Lynnea asked, cocking an eyebrow.

   "What do you want, Lynnea?", he asked in a bored voice, not even looking at her. Instead he was staring at the fountain behind Lynnea's back.

   "What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you acting this cold?" She lay her fingertips on his chin, turning his head softly until he had to face her. "What have I done, Fred?"

   "Nothing." His eyes had nothing left of the warmness she was used to.

   "Fred!", she growled in a warning tone, narrowing her eyes.

   He looked up into the sky, as if he'd hope she'd go away if he'd just ignore her longe enough. Lynnea could watch his jaw clench, as he finally looked back down at her. 

   "What is this with you and Harry?", he sternly asked.

   "With - pardon?" Lynnea didn't understand a single word.

   "Your Patronus", Fred explained. "Yours and his, they fit. You know what that means, yeah? You know that Patroni fit when - when you're soulmates or - or have a special bond, see, like me and George, like they fit. So why are you wasting your time with me, if it's him you want - gosh, stop laughing!" The last three words he barked, but Lynnea couldn't stop; she was laughing maniacally, and Fred's eyes darkened. "I see, haha, really funny", he dryly snorted. "I understand, yeah? I can't compete with the boy who lived, I better go now."

   But she grabbed his arm and turned him around. "You're so stupid, Fred Weasley!", she said, rolling her eyes.

   "I was stupid to ever fall for you", he snapped. "I should have listened to them all, you're a snake, just another snake."

   "Fred Weasley, you walking pain in the arse, shut the fuck up, I'm trying to explain this whole thing!", Lynnea yelled at him, and in a much lower voice she talked on: "Yes, my Patronus fits with Harry's. But it's not what you think, dumbass."

   "So what is it, Bailey?" With crossed armes he watched her.

   "He - he -", she threw a quick gaze at her surroundings, but the other students already were gone, as the next class was starting in less than two minutes. "He's my brother, Fred. We're twins. And if you'll tell anyone, I'll kill you."

   Fred looked like she'd hit him straight across the face. "T - twins? But you didn't even look similar!"

   "The eyes, Weasley", Lynnea said with a smile.

   The rest of color had left Fred's skin, his eyes widened. "Oh my God", he muttered. "Oh! My! God! I fucking fell in love with Potter's eyes ..."

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