The Hybrid- naruto fanfiction

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Hai! I'm Shainy-chan ! Nice to meet ya . I'm sorry if the story isn't 100% accurate, Kay? Hope you enjoy ! Don't forget to Vote , Comment , Share or give me a cookie either way \(^.^)/ I don't own the pictures unless I say so :) -

Chapter One - The Star

*Third person POV*

It was the night of the blood moon. Wolves howled from the cold forests, and parades buzzed in the Hidden Leaf Village .
This was the first Blood moon in 100 years . Everyone gathered on the rooftops and awed at the sight of the crimson red moon. But still Lady Tsunade doesn't let her guard down . The Jonin teams that usually guard the Village doubled . Lady Tsunade worries because The Akatsuki have been more active than ever before. Which brings suspicion to the hokage.

*Lady Tsunade's POV *

I sigh in worry at reports from the Anbu. 'It seems that the Akatsuki are active....' my thought ponders as I stare into space. I requested some ninja to guard the village and to look for anything suspicious whilst the blood moon. The last blood moon was when the Ten Tails was imprisoned into the moon and it's power was separated to make 1 to 9 tails. And I cannot allow that to happen....

Knock knock

My head popped up to see that my ninja have arrived . "Come in" I replied . The door opened to reveal Naruto's smiling face with Sakura , Ino , Kiba , Hinata , Neji , Shikamaru , Shino , Choji , Kakashi , Tenten , Lee and Gai.

"Why did you request us Tsunade ?" Kakashi wondered , "that's Lady Tsunade to you" I answered with a smirk .
"Well, I need ALL of you to guard and watch the village for the night" I said watching their confused expressions.

"But Grandma Tsunade.....!" Naruto
groans , obviously annoyed. My eye twitches , annoyed at Naruto's immature reaction.

"The Akatsuki have been active lately , it's very suspicious" I say in a serious tone.

Everyone looked to the floor , reminding themselves how dangerous the criminals are. "Naruto ! Lady Tsunade has every RIGHT to be worried ! She's just doing her job and keeping the village safe" Sakura adds. Naruto pouts then adds in agreement. I can tell he's tired especially from using a lot of chakra from saving Gaara I think.

I turned to the team "Shikamaru , Gai and Kakashi, you're leaders for this mission. Each of you have a group of people. Kakashi you take the strongest at front . Whilst for Gai and Shikamaru takes the remaining people" I say , as they nod their heads in agreement . I hand them all mini communicators to put in their ears.

I place one in my ear too so I can keep in contact on what's happening. "Now GO!" I shout . All of them nod as they ran out of the door. I sigh. Worry in my mind.... 'Be careful...' I have this feeling that something bad was going to happen tonight.

*Third person POV*

The teams run through the village the atmosphere filled with happiness and excitement . The streets were lit by colourful lanterns , children playing . the smell of food flooded the village causing the blonde's tummy to rumble "I'm SOOOOO HUNGRYYYYYY!!!!!" Naruto exclaims waving his arms in the air in distress. Sakura sweat drops at Naruto, as she sighs wondering how Naruto made it this far in becoming a ninja.

When they reached the gates of the Leaf Village . They separate into teams , "if any of you see something that's a threat contact us immediately and we'll check if it's dangerous to us in anyway" Kakashi explained with a stern look on his face.

Well they couldn't really tell due to the mask covering his face. They all agreed and ran splitting into groups. Kakashi's group was : naruto , Sakura , Shino , kiba , Akamaru ,Neji and choji. They all took their position, Neji stayed with Sakura and Kakashi so he could tell them what's happening ahead and Sakura stayed to heal anyone who's injured.

The Hybrid- naruto shippuden , bleach and KHR fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now