15~Around the Corner

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15~Around the Corner

Everest's POV

I couldn't exactly tell if Paul was either angry or relieved that he had found us. Paul jogs his way down a small hill towards us, the other two security guards right behind him.

"How'd you find us?" Harry asks, meeting up with the buff Irish. I trudge up behind Harry shortly after. Paul looks at him as if he were clueless, his breath uneven.

"Harry, do you know how many people have tweeted about you in the last twenty minutes?!" Paul exasperates, waving his hands around for effect. I couldn't help but to laugh lightly, hiding myself behind Harry's broad shoulders. "People have been going nuts about you two on the media, it's even driving me insane. And plus, I tracked your phone."

Harry nods. "Oh and Paul," Harry starts, clearing his throat. "Where the heck were you?!" Harry pretty much shouts at him, making me lightly jump from his sudden change in tone. I honestly would've done the same if I were Harry. "I thought you were gonna meet us around back!" He ran a hand through his chocolate hair, readjusting his bandana.

"It's not my fault the streets were covered with pedestrians who happen to be completely obsessed with you!" Paul explains, matching Harry's tone. "Plus, it's lunch hour. Which means people will be getting off of work for lunch. There was quite a lot of traffic."

Harry opens his mouth to interject, but I decided to speak up. "Hey." I place my hand on Harry's shoulder, trying to calm him down a bit, "the good part is, is that we're okay. Paul tried his best to come and get us, and he has a good reason why he couldn't come pick us up faster than planned. So, thank you, Paul," I thank him, smiling generously at him. He points at me, and gives Harry the 'see-she-gets-it' look. "Besides, I actually had a lot of fun running all over LA with the worlds most famous British man. I enjoyed it." I sent Harry a sweet smile, while he had a slight confused expression.

"Thanks, Everest," Paul says, a bit of pride in his voice. "Now, can we please get out of here before someone else sees the two of you. Hopefully the press took good enough pictures of you two -they ought to, anyways. I do not want to do this again." He gave us a teasing glare, which made Harry and I laugh lightly.

"We're sorry, Paul. It won't happen again," I said, like I was talking to a two-year-old. He teasingly glares at me again and leads us to his black SUV parked by the curve. I climb in the back first and Harry follows. The third body guard drove in his own black SUV. He climbs in his SUV and waits for us to pull out of the area.

"Do we need to bring you back to the studio, Everest?" Paul asks me from the drivers seat.

I nod. "Yes, please." I smile generously at him and he smiles back, shifting the gear out of Park and drives onto the main street, leaving the park I will never forget behind. I lean back in my seat, shutting my eyes and rewinding everything that had just happened, as well as adding it to my collection of Happy Memories. Paul talks with the other body guard in the passengers seat quietly, them occasionally laughing or clapping their hands together. Harry and I glance at each other every now and then, cracking wide smiles and trying to stifle back our laughter.

I rest my right elbow on the handle bar, my chin settled in the palm of my hand, my eyes wandering on everything we pass. I absentmindedly rest my left hand in the middle seat, the seat that separates me from Harry.

I lightly jump when I feel slender fingers wrap around mine loosely; but not too loose. I snap my gaze towards Harry, my features a bit shocked by his gestures. My lips part slightly. His emerald eyes remain focused on the outside world, as if he knew I was going to look at him and didn't want to be embarrassed.

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