17~Meet the Fam

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17~Meet the Fam

Harry's POV

"Let's go do something," Louis piped up, breaking the silence that filled the living area.

"I'm with Louis!" Everest raised her hand, agreeing with Louis. They both high-fived each other, making a loud 'clapping' noise echo throughout the flat, as the rest of us wonder on what to do on this very hot Summer day.

When Louis arrived back at the flat, I was a bit surprised to see Everest closing in behind Louis. But the surprise didn't last forever. Once she had made her way inside, I merrily skipped towards her and greeted her with an enormous hug, the rest of the lads close behind. I could feel her tense up a little at first, but she eventually wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed me just as hard as I squeezed her nimble body.

I honestly really missed her. I know I probably sound like one of those cliché girls from a real soppy book or movie. But I don't care. I'll even shout it out to the world that I missed her, even though it's only been four days.

After that, everyone gathered in the parlor to talk to one another. We all laughed and talked with each other like we haven't a seen each other in decades. For me it's only been four days. But for the other lads it's been longer.

So here we are, all of us sitting together on the red couches conversing with one another. All of the lads wanted a piece of Everest since they haven't seen her so long. So Louis, Liam, and Zayn surrounded Everest on a three cushioned sofa, leaving me and Niall on the love sofa.

However, I could tell Niall wasn't so overjoyed by the presence of Everest like the rest of the lads were. Ever since Everest got here, her and Niall haven't spoken but two words to each other. Yeah, they politely said hello and hugged, but that was it. Something's definitely odd here, I can feel the small spark of tension igniting in this place. But I decided to dismiss the thought for the sake of Everest and the lads.

"I got an idea!" Liam suggested loudly, rising from the couch. "Let's go to the beach!" Everyone just kind of stared him, thinking. "It's seriously, like, the hottest day in LA, why not?!" He provoked us.

"Oh my God, that's a great idea!" Everest exclaimed, clapping her hands in excitement. Oh my gosh, I've completely forgotten she hasn't been to the beach at all. I'm so stupid! Dang you Liam and your brilliant mind. "I've never been." She sheepishly says, her shimmering blue eyes falling to her lap.

"To the beach?!" Zayn asks shocked.

She shakes her head sheepishly again, her lips pulled into a straight line.

"Well then, we have no choice but to go," Zayn declared, slinging an arm around her shoulders and shaking her lightly. For some odd reason, I felt a fire of rage ignite inside of me when he did that. I know Zayn has Perrie, and he would never hurt her, nor betray her, but when I saw him do that, this burst of anger hit me in the chest.

Am I becoming jealous? Was it even possible?

I shake my head, realizing that my face is probably burning a bright red.

"I'm in," I say, raising my hand up midway.

"Let's do it!" Louis cheered, clapping his hands and standing to his feet. "Niall, you in, mate?" He turns his head around to face a slouching Niall.

He shrugs. "Yeah, I guess so," he says tiredly, adding a sigh at the end. Something's seriously wrong here.

"Are you okay, Niall?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at the blonde.

"No, I'm fine, really. Why?" He says, as if nothing was wrong.

I lock eyes with Louis, Liam, and Zayn before looking back at Niall, with a confused expression stuck on my face.

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