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MY LOVES, MY BBY'S, IT'S LINDS!! REMEMBER ME!!? Long time no see! How are y'all? What's everyone been up to? How's school going? How's life going?

Soooo...yes, I do realize it's been literal MONTHS since my last update on this book as well as the other ones that were published last summer:/

For those who are still fans and still have this book saved in your libraries, I am so sorry this isn't an update and I know you were all expecting this to be a new chapter:( And I'm so sorry for all the times I made y'all think that a chapter was coming soon. This semester of school has been absolutely crazy, as well as sports. But good news, things are starting to finally slow down since my winter break is coming up in 2 weeks!!:) I'm so ready to be out of school y'all have no idea!

So basically, this is just one of those "update on life" authors notes, so if you don't care to read this then you can press the exit button or whatever it is now, lol.

Let's see...well first of all, I want to know how all you lovely people are doing? I've missed y'all:( How was your day? How's school going? How's life in general? How are the holidays going? Well, I hope you are all doing great and passing all your classes! I hope y'all are enjoying the holidays so far! Haha, it's crazy to think that Christmas is only, like, 2 weeks away and then New Years is right after that! Omg, how the time flies!

Lol, so I'm finally 16!!! Yep, I turned 16 on September 4th! I had a good day that day:) Your birthday is the only day when people actually give you attention, lol. No, I do not have my license yet but I'm getting it in January! Who else is 16 or is about to be? Well, if your birthday's coming up soon comment your b-day below so we can celebrate!!!

Uum, let's see...

School's going good so far. I'm a sophomore now, which means I'm in the 10th grade, lol. The people at my school are sometimes annoying, but some days we get along, lol:) Remember, I go to a private school and there's, like 20 people in my class. Anyways, I'm passing with A's and B's so yknow, that's good I guess, haha. If y'all have finals or any tests at all coming soon, I wish you all the luck and will be praying for all of you!

What else...

OH! For those who don't follow me on Twitter or insta., this guy at my school asked me to homecoming back in October (the 16th to be exact;))! Ah, it was so cute! He asked me in the most adorable and creative way. So story time: I was in the middle of eating 'cause it was during lunch, and from out of nowhere, I heard the song 'Drag Me Down' by the boys playing in the distance. My friends came running towards me like really excitedly and I so confused, like, why was this happening!? lol. Then, out of the corner of my eye I saw this guy walk towards me with a sign and roses and candy, and he then he asked me to hoco! I was shaking and smiling so bad omg! The sign said "Lindsey, Nobody can DRAG ME DOWN if you and I go to homecoming together...Lawrence (his name)" BUT YALL IT WAS LITERALLY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING THAT'S EVER HAPPENED TO ME AND I NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD HAPPEN TO ME CAUSE GUYS, IT'S ME, LOL. AND YALL IT WAS ONE DIRECTION THEMED SO THAT WAS A FANTASTIC PLUS! But yeah, it was just so perfect:))) We're doing Christmas presents too and next week we're gonna give our gifts to each other anD IM SO EXCITED YALL!!



For those who celebrate Thanksgiving, how was that? Was it fun being with family? Did you eat loads of food? 'Cause I sure did! Well if you did, you're still beautiful no matter how much you ate! Literally, who cares what people think! It's your body and if you feel like eating a whole chicken you eat that chicken without any regrets! It's good to eat:)

Omg, Christmas is in 2 weeks!! Aaahhh! I hope you all have done your Christmas shopping! So tell me, what're y'all asking for for Christmas?? I want a Go-Pro lol, but those are so expensive, so it may not happen this year. But we're going to Tennessee this year and we're saving our money for the trip. Lol, so it's ok, i'm more excited for this trip anyways, haha. And then a week after that, it'll be NEW YEARS! LIKE WTH I FELT LIKT THIS YEAR ONLY LASTED A MINUTE! OMG IT'S GONNA BE 2016 SOON! LIKE WOW! Do y'all already have a New Year resolution? If so tell me ayye:) I still need one haha

Soooo, I guess that's really all for now:)

During the break, I will be working on my books and updating them, so be watching out for them!! I hope y'all enjoyed this little "update on my life" chapter or note whatever you want to call this, haha. Anyways, if y'all have any questions for me about anything or just wanna talk please message me or dm me on Twitter (@/_replaylouis_)! Let's be friends:))) Or not, that's cool too..

Before I end this, I would just like to say a few more things:) I promise I'm almost done! Here's a personal not from me to you:

I just want to let you know that I love you so so much and that you're blessing to this earth. Don't let anyone tell you different. Not your friend, not some guy, not your crush, not your parents, nobody! You're beautiful, intelligent, extraordinary, perfect, incredible, strong, and much more, just the way you are. I believe in you, and just know that you can do anything you set your beautiful mind to. If you feel like you're at your absolute worst, just remind and constantly tell yourself that you are worth it. You were put on this earth for a reason, God has a special plan for you. You are an extraordinary human being and beautiful inside and out. Like I said before, if you have any questions for me or would like to talk about anything at all, please don't hesitate to contact me.

I love you, stay strong gorgeous!

Ok, well that's all:) updates for all my books are coming soon so be watching! Love you guys, have a good rest of the day/night! Bye my beautiful angels!<3

~yours truly, Lindsey x
(Twitter: @/_replaylouis_

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