10~Fun and Books

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10~Fun and Books

Everest's POV

I clutch the doorknob to Harry's bedroom door and twist it all the way to the right, opening it slowly. I walk out cautiously with Harry not far behind me. We make it out of the hallway in silence, instantly being greeted by a cheery Louis who stands by the granite island with two cups of tea in his hands.

"Ah, there you are!" Louis greets specifically to me. I send him a generous smile and so did Harry, only his was a bit more crooked. He then brushes past me and into the living room, where Liam and Niall were, eyes glued to the flickering pictures of the T.V. I glance back in Louis' direction, who mouths the words 'thank you', causing me to form a wider smile. Smiling, I shake my head reassuringly. I turn on my heal and walk towards Louis' direction, sticking out a cup of fresh hot tea out in front of me. I grasp the china tea cup and drink a small sip of it, the hot liquid streaming down my throat in delight

"Very good," I coo, taking another small sip. If this tea wasn't so blazing hot, I would be able to take bigger swigs of this stuff. Britain's and their tea. Why do they make it taste so much better than Americas?

"Why thank you, Everest," he appreciates me, taking a sip of his. "It's an old family recipe." He proudly states.

"It is?"

"No," he jokes, laughing lightly. I roll my eyes and playfully shove his shoulder. After a few seconds, we burst into fits of laughter.

"Hey, keep it down in there!" A deep Irish accent yelled from the living room. "We're trying to watch a game here!"

I lean over the counter and spot the T.V., flickering pictures of men running and kicking a soccer ball, or 'football' as you will, across a giant field. I then return my gaze back to Louis, who also stares at the big screen. "So, I'm guessing you guys really like, "football"?" I ask, my eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, we also play a little, too," he says, smirking proudly.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, I play for the Doncaster Rovers--which is a huge team back in my hometown, obviously--and Niall plays some, too."

I nod. "Cool!" I say. "What about Harry and the others?"

"Yeah, they play a little, too," he said. Then Louis leans in a little, his lips inches away from my ear and covers his mouth with his left hand. "Harry's probably the worst, though."

"I heard that!" Harry shouts from the living room. We try stifling back our laughter, but soon fail as we burst into fits of laughter once more.

"GOAL!" Niall shouts as one of the players runs up and cheers along with his teammates. Liam also stands up and cheers with Niall, high-fiving each other in excitement. Harry just sits on the couch, a small smile painted across his face as he watches Niall and Liam cheer in excitement.

I guess Louis noticed me staring at Harry when he says, "You know, I don't believe I ever actually thanked you for helping us with Harry. Ever since you showed up, he's been changing everyday, although some days can be a little rough. So, what I'm trying to say is, thank you, Everest," he explains, making me feel really good inside. I grin widely.

"No problem, no problem at all," I say quietly so that Harry wouldn't hear. "Harry's actually helping me out along the way. Even though he can be a pain sometimes, he's still worth it." My smile fades, turning into a sad smile, my eyes glued to the curly haired boy who sits on one of the red couches, hands tangled together and elbows rested on his knees.

"I can't imagine life without Harry," Louis says softly and quietly, his eyes not moving away from Harry. "I mean, he's my best mate. We're more like brothers, actually." He smiles, his white teeth shining brightly. I smile at his statement.

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