28~Decisions and Deep Conversations

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28~Decisions and Deep Conversations

Everest's POV

I flutter my eyes open, hearing the sound of my phone vibrating atop my polished, wooden nightstand. I let out a long groan, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes with my forefingers. I then lazily grab my phone and answer it, my eyes half open.

"Hello?" I yawn, unsure of who it is; but I have a good feeling it's-

"Good morning, beautiful!" a thick British accent cheerfully says on the other end.

I smile, instantly knowing who it is. "Hi, Harry," I say, leaning my head back on my pillow. "You know if you keep doing this I might have to kill you no matter how much I love you."

"What? You don't like my early morning phone calls?" He asks innocently.


He chuckles deeply. "Well, you better get used to them 'cause you're mine now and I can call you anytime I want!" He victoriously cheers. Hm, it never really occurred to me that I am now his. It's been three days since Harry and I shared our first kiss together at the meadow (which is now, like, the best place ever!).

We haven't made it official to the press yet, however. We both agreed on waiting a while before coming clean to the press and to his managers, which will be the toughest to work with. I'm actually surprised they haven't bugged me at all since the day I stormed out of their office. Which is a good thing, don't get me wrong.

So, as of right now, we're in a 'secret relationship' until further notice.

"Ugh, whatever," I groan. "Come over tonight?"

"Actually," he says, "I was thinking about taking you out to dinner tonight, you know, just the two of us at a fancy restaurant, alone, together... isn't that what girls like... isn't that what you like?"

I smirk. Gah, he's so adorable. "Harry, I would be fine with a box of pizza and a Disney movie marathon," I say truthfully, lightly chuckling. "And, I don't think we should expose our relationship just yet. I mean, I would absolutely be honored to go out on a date with you... when we have dated a little longer than just three days. Let's just wait another day... or five-"

"Five days!?" He cries, huffing like a defiant child. "Everest, you can't make me wait that long to take you out on a, "romantic date", er whatever! You're not being fair!"

"Harry, you're such a kid," I sigh, smiling.

"I'm the kid, you dork."

I snort loudly. My eyes wander to my alarm clock on my bedside table, squinting my eyes at the time. Nine-thirty-five a.m. "Hey, you're sleeping better," I say happily, since apparently he would wake up earlier than early in the mornings, according to Louis. "Yesterday, you woke me up at around eight-ish."

"Hm," he hums. "I guess so." He lightly laughs.

"That's good, Harry," I say with a wide smile. "That's really, really good."

I can mentally picture him smiling a proud smile while biting his lower lip. "Yeah." All of a sudden, I hear another voice on the other end coming through the phone.

"Who you talking to, Hazza?" A high-pitched British accent asked, not too far from Harry. I bet it's, Louis. He sounds like a girl, honestly. His accent is already so high-pitched, the phone makes it even worse.

"Everest," he answers quickly. "Go away, Louis!" Yep, it's Louis.

"Aye, Stoney, my sister from another mister!" Oh my God. I then hear light shuffling on the other end, and a few grunting noises, too, and a very loud 'f off, Louis!' from Harry. "Heeey, how's it goin'? Harry's not treating you like an ass is he?" I hear Louis teasingly ask. It takes me a few moments to click that it's Louis on the phone now, who has probably taken possession of Harry's phone.

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