6~Peace and Quiet

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6~Peace and Quiet

Harry's POV

"Thank you," I politely said to Everest, causing her smile. It really is a thoughtful gift, even though it's coming from a girl whom I barely know. I opened up the leather journal, revealing hundreds of blank pages. I flipped through the pages with my thumb quickly, the pages thick and a baize-like color. I then close it, tying the string back around the journal.

"I'd just thought you'd like to express your feelings out verbally instead of physically," she informs me, her cheeks flushed a light pink. Everest's smile comforts me somehow. Like, I'll be okay if I just stay with her. I gladly return her smile.

I haven't smiled this much around anybody in so long. It feels great, actually.

I look back up to her, her eyes fixed on something else. I turn around, seeing the streets filled with cars and small buildings surrounding us, and people all over the place. But just beyond all of that is a small pier and a beach, a long strip of ocean visible.

I look back at Everest, who seems to be mesmerized by the small view of the ocean. Her thinking face is so alluring. The way her aqua eyes are so focused on the view and her brunette hair is simply perfect, perfectly curled in a style that suits her. She's absolutely beautiful.

"I can see you're very focused on the ocean back there," I tease, her head snapping back to me.

"Oh sorry!" She cries. "It's just-" she sighs, her lips pulled in straight line. "It's just, I've never been to the beach before." She admits shyly. My eyes widen in shock.

"You've never been to the beach before?" I ask in shock. She shakes her head, pursing her lips.

I sigh, sliding my tongue over my lips, "I'll have to take you some day." I smile, making her blush. "It's absolutely beautiful, especially the ones in LA."

She chuckles, "I bet it is," she gushes. "But today, I planned on taking you somewhere," she's says with glee. What's with all the surprises? I raise my eyebrows, not sure of her plan.

"Oh," I say, plastering a smile on my face. "Where're we going?"

"It's a calm, quiet little place not too far from here and it's so lovely, you'll love it," she awes at the thought. "It's where I go to just...get things off my shoulders and to just relax." She sighs, her smile straightening. Our eyes meet. "Anyways, you up for it?"

I sigh, looking down at the table, then back to her, meeting her gaze, her water-blue eyes filled with hope. She's already doing so much for me, I'd hate to say no.

I lightly chuckle, "I guess so." I smile faintly. She grins widely, clasping her hands together.

"Alright then! Let's go!" She insists, standing up and tugging lightly on my shoulder. I smile, giving in, standing up and leaving the small cafe.

The feeling of smiling again doesn't hurt anymore. It actually feels really good. When I'm with her, I feel like a completely different person. The person I want to be. The feeling I want to feel.


About thirty minutes later, she turns onto a dirt rode, cruising along the narrow dirt path slowly. I straighten my posture, leaning over to observe my surroundings through the car window. A wooden fence rings around what looks to be a two acre meadow. Many types of trees are planted everywhere. Birds of all types fly across the sky. Tall grass covers the land completely, and a sparkling lake glistens from the sunlight in the middle of the entire meadow.

It is absolutely gorgeous out here. I didn't even know this place existed or I would've been out here a lot.

"It's beautiful," I managed to say, breaking the silence, still in awe of the gorgeous sight.

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