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Everest's POV

Well today is Thursday, and it's currently two-twenty-one in the afternoon.

Yesterday, after my little outburst with Management, my aunt had to do a few errands around LA, so she gladly dropped me off at the parking lot I had parked my car in from Tuesday and happily drove it home. So yay! My car's home safely in the garage along with my uncle's motorcycle. Although, I really did enjoy riding my uncle's bike and I may continue to ride it; if my aunt lets me that is. But after that, all I really did for the rest of the day was sleep and eat.

So, here I am, basically doing the same exact thing I did yesterday. Yep, just laying in bed, occupying myself by watching resent reruns of Keeping Up With The Kardashians on Netflix, while my aunt is finishing up her errands from yesterday and my three-year-old cousin is at a friends house for a "play-date".

Kim is so caring, yet such a diva. I love it. But I'm not paying much attention to the show anyway, however I do occasionally laugh at Khloe's sarcastic remarks to everyone or at Kim's little blonde moments.

I just can't keep my mind off Harry. I know it's only been a day-and-a-half since he left and I've gone plenty days without seeing him, but that was before I realized that I love with him. Now I know how his fans feel.

I just miss him, okay. I just miss him so painfully much it's making me physically sick. I miss his touch, his smile, his warmth against my skin, his dimples, his voice, his hair, his eyes, his laugh, his tattoos. I just miss everything about him.

My stomach twists and churns in every way possible every time I bring up the events from yesterday. Pain exerts all throughout my body, and I feel completely helpless no matter how many painkillers I've taken.

But that's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt.

Wow, I have never felt so weak and stupid and over-dramatic like this in such a long time. I feel so stupid.

I wish Nicole and Britne were here with me. But unfortunetely for me, Nicole's in Paris for a modeling deal, and Britne's in New York visiting with her family. They won't be landing in LA until very early in the morning on Saturday because they wanted to make it to our little get together with Joseph and the others. Yeah, we still text and try to FaceTime when we can, but it's just not the same. I need them so badly.

So to pass the time, I log in to my Twitter account, hugging my other pillow close to my chest, wrapping up in my warm thick comforter and curling up into a little ball, Doritos and Sour Patch Kids close to my side. I scroll through my feed and find nothing new or interesting has happened other than the millions of new fans who are now following me. I think I'm at 6.7 million followers now, I dunno honestly. But there are a few tweets about Independence Day which is tomorrow. Tomorrow, I don't care what others want me to do, I am spending the day with my family. I'm also going to buy a lot of fireworks and sparklers for tomorrow, and maybe a new dress for the get together Saturday, tomorrow morning. It's too late to go today anyway, I haven't even taken a shower.

I exit out of Twitter, sitting up and stretching out my arms, exhaling through my nose. Suddenly out of nowhere, I hear the doorbell ring.

'That's funny' I thought, my eyebrows knitting together 'I thought Crissy had a key. Unless it's not Crissy. Oh my gosh, what if it's Harry!?'

Hoping it is, I jump out of bed, suddenly plunging to the floor and letting out a small groan in pain in the midst of my excitement. I don't care, though. Instead, I crawl back up to my feet and sprint towards the door at full speed, my heart rate increasing immensely.

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