29~Cheesy Invitations and More News

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29~Cheesy Invitations and More News

Everest's POV

"Everest, come here for a sec!" I hear my aunt holler from the other room, her voice full of cheer. I perk my head up a bit, wringing my wet hair with a towel before emerging out into the hallway with a skeptical expression on my face.

"Yeah, what's up?" I ask her as I made my way down the hallway and into the living area. I cautiously step towards her and notice a cute silver box in her arms and a small bouquet of white roses gently grasped in her right hand. As my eyes land on the cute box and white roses, my heart immediately swelled and I could feel my cheeks begin to warm up from blushing horribly. I love white roses.

"A delivery woman dropped these by a couple of minutes ago while you were in the shower." She smiled. "So, who's it from, although I have a feeling I know who it's from?" She lightly laughs.

I hum at that, gliding my tongue over my lips, grinning enormously. "I dunno, let's see," I teasingly say, playing along. She holds out the silver box and the bouquet of roses and I gladly take ahold of them, inhaling the sweet scent of the roses before gently tucking them in my arms. I hold the medium-sized, square box in my hands. It's in between light and heavy. I honestly have no clue of what it is. Knowing Harry it could be anything, and I mean, anything.

I lift the lid off the box completely, sliding it underneath. A montage of white wrapping paper is stuffed inside and I begin to uncover what appears to be a... what the hell?

"Uhhhh..." I stammer, raising an eyebrow in confusion. Okay, is it safe to say that I am just plain confused? I think it is.

"What is it, what is it!?" She impatiently asks, just as curious and confused as I am.

I pick up the yellow, curvy object, studying its features. "It's, uh... banana?" I stutter, still utterly clueless.

Her excitement died down and her face expression matched mine. "Hm," she hums. "That's... strange." I then notice her eyebrows knit together and she takes a step closer, her eyes focused on the other side of the banana. "Wait a minute, there's something written on it. Look."

I do as I'm told and flip the banana over, and there in clear sight is the message written on the yellow skin my aunt was talking about. I begin to read it:

'I am crazy BANANAS for you:) would you do me the honor of joining me on a romantic dinner tonight?


"Oh my God," I coo, leaning my head back and cackling like an idiot. This is so cheesy, it's adorable. He's my adorable idiot. "Oh my God!" I continue to laugh.

"What!? Let me see!" My aunt murmurs, her curiosity getting the best of her. I hand her the banana, still contagiously laughing my butt off, and soon enough I hear fits of laughter coming from my aunt. I hold my stomach, my sides aching from laughing so hard. I can't stop

Our laughter started to cease slowly to where I could finally take a fresh breath of air. "This is the cheesiest, most adorable-ist thing I have ever gotten!" I muse, covering my mouth with my hand while re-reading the cute message written sloppily, yet in a neat way again. I smile when I see his signature 'H' signed just below the message with black Sharpie.

And to think, out of all the flowers in the world he chose white roses, my absolute favorite flowers and the loveliest of all the flowers in my opinion. Simple and elegant, just the way I like it.

"I need to call Harry," I say out loud, placing the banana gently back inside the box and setting the lid on top. I can't believe Harry waited (more like lasted) six whole days before asking me out on our first real date as a couple. Sure in the past couple of days we feasted on junk food and had mini date nights at both of our house, staying up all night and watching old thrillers. My whole body is shaking and my heart is fluttering like crazy. This is too perfect to be real.

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