[1] The Philosopher's Stone

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This story has been edited quite a few times, so I sincerely apologise for any inconsistencies! If you find any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors or words that indicate the wrong perspective please leave a comment so that I can change it. Thanks :)


I began writing this story in 2019... so it is extremely cringeworthy at parts, I tried to get rid of most of the unbearably cringeworthy parts but it didn't want to change the storyline too much. So thank you for being patient, it does get better towards the end of the book since I wrote it more recently when my writing has evolved (hopefully lol).


This is a bit of a slow burn... I apologise but they do get together eventually, I promise! In the meantime, there is plenty of cute and fluff-filled moments throughout.

Enjoy! :)


<Willow's Home, Day of Hogwarts Express Departure>

"Willow, get up you're going to miss the train" her godfather's words crashed through her dreams and she groaned, "it's too cold, to get up" she whined into her pillow, "WILLOW", "COMING," Willow yelled back as she peeled the blankets back and slowly got out of her warm bed. She pulled on a pair of jeans and a random hoodie, quickly brushing her hair and securing it in a ponytail with a few hair ties. Running downstairs she grabbed a premade toast which her godfather had prepared for her. "Thanks, Remus," she said before rushing back upstairs to get her trunk (which she had packed the night before).

Within minutes she was back downstairs ready to go, "ready" she called to her godfather, "not quite" he said coming into the hallway carrying her small tabby kitten, "oops sorry pearl" Willow said taking her from Remus and putting her in a pocket of her newly adorned coat. "Let's go then" Remus announced holding out his arm. Willow linked arms with him and soon they were spinning and with a crack they disappeared from the hallway, only to reappear on Platform 9 & 3/4 at kings cross station.

"We're early" Willow pointed out as she scanned the empty platform and looked angrily at Remus who smiled cheekily, "yes, because I've got a job interview today and I could either take you here now or never," she sighed and nodded in understanding "good luck". He pulled her into a hug before quickly muttering a "be safe" and crack he was gone again.

A bonus of being 45 minutes early is that you can pick whichever compartment you want. Willow roamed the halls of the Hogwarts express before finding the one she had sat in at the end of last year and pulled her trunk inside, lifting it onto the shelf with great difficulty. This was her third year at Hogwarts and it just seemed to get better each time she came back, especially with new and evolving pranks to be pulled alongside the Weasley twins, her closest friends.

Whilst she waited for the two redheads to arrive, along with her roommates Angelina and Alicia, she took out a small notebook from her pocket and started to scribble down a new prank item that she had been thinking about, chewing gum which clamps your jaw shut. Once she got bored with that, she played with Pearl who had previously been sleeping next to her on the seat. That was until, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a group of redheads huddled together, hugging and bidding each other goodbye. Willow grinned to herself as she recognised the two twins who in comparison to their little, plump mother were quite tall. She grinned as Mrs Weasley fussed over Fred's hair as she tried to comb it with her fingers and George tried to sneak away only to be scolded by his mother who now turned to him and did the same thing to his hair.


"Willow" George and Fred cried in synchronisation as they finally entered the compartment and sat opposite her, "Pearl," George acknowledged stroking the kitten as she leapt from Willow's lap to his, "How were your holidays?" she asked the pair, they glanced at each other briefly, only to then rushed into a detailed description of their holidays and all the mischief they had gotten up to. "What did you do?" Fred asked once they had finally finished, "I mainly stayed at home with Remus" she confessed and the two huffed, slightly disappointed that she had done anything more exciting, "but . . ." she continued, pausing for suspense "I did think of some new pranks that we could pull this year" and proceeded to go into a detailed description of her ideas, including the gum.


"Have you seen a toad?" a girl with bushy brown hair asked as she slid open the compartment door, "a boy named Neville lost his" she continued, "no sorry" Willow said and furrowed her eyebrows, "oh well thanks anyway, by the way, I'm Hermione Granger," the confident first-year said outstretching her hand, "Willow Black" Willow responded shaking it, "Fred and George Weasley." the twins said in unison as they stretched out a hand each at the same time, Hermione shook one at a time and the boys pouted,  disappointed that they hadn't confused her. "You must be Ron's brothers," she said as something clicked in her mind, they nodded "I met him earlier, with none other than Harry Potter! Anyway, I'd better keep looking, goodbye," she said matter of factly before turning and closing the door before leaving. "Harry Potter is at school," Willow said her eyes gleaming, "let's go meet him" she urged the twins who shrugged. "Okay then," they said in unison, willow turned pulled her trunk down from the shelf, rummaging in it for a moment before pulling out a photo, "let's go then".


"Hello Ron," Willow said taking a seat across from Ron who she'd met countless times before from her visits to the Burrow. "Hey Willow" he replied and smiled lazily at her. "Willow Black," she then proceeded to say, cautiously outstretching her hand to the dark-haired boy sitting across from us "Harry, Harry Potter," he said shaking it, "I don't suppose you remember me," Willow said, Harry, adorned a puzzled look on his face, "no" he replied slowly, "I'm not surprised you were barely even one" Willow smiled at him. "Was this before . . ." he trailed off, "yes," Willow said handing him the moving photo, in it his parents holding Harry in a bundle of blankets, next to them, Willow's parents along with herself, sitting on her father's shoulders, even then a mischievous smile was on her face, Remus and Peter were also present, smiling at the camera. "I figured you'd never seen your parents before," I said, he shrugged, but his eyes remained glued to the picture as Willow pointed out who everyone was. "You keep it, for now, I'll collect it from you later on," she said and Harry looked up at her, his eyes shining "thanks,".


The three went back to their compartment after Willow chatted with Ron for a moment and the twins introduced themselves and the superior Weasley's. Slumping into their seats again, Willow gazed out the window, "we're almost there" she sighed and stood up again, digging around in her trunk for her robes. "I'll be right back," she said before disappearing into the hallway to go get dressed, leaving the twins to draw the curtains of the compartment and get changed in there.

With an extremely loud screech, the train came to a halt at Hogsmeade station and the students piled out. "It's good to be back," Willow said and glanced at the castle to her left "I agree," Fred said "me too" George added and they all grinned as they watched the idle first years made their way to the gigantic Hagrid who towered high over everyone else calling out "firs' years, over here". "The last one to carriage is a rotten dragon egg" Willow called out, sprinting off before the twins could comprehend what she had said.


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