Chapter 20

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Tessa held tight to Nova as they let the last few years fall from they're eyes. Luke and Liam were standing next to the moving van.

Liam was going to drive the moving van, Tessa was supposed to take her own car and pick up Diana. Nova was supposed to follow Liam in her car so she could drive him home and Luke was leading the way to the house in his own car. That was the plan. It was perfect. Unless something just went horribly wrong.but she was determined to keep a good attitude.
Tessa moved away from Nova and wiped away the tears from her face.

"I should go get Diana." Nova nodded and Tessa pulled the car keys from her pocket.
"Luke I'll see you at the house." She called as she ducked into her car.
"Okay, kitty. See you there."

Tessa pulled out and headed for Vennessa's house. She thought back on the last few months and smiled at the weird story Luke and her had. It was definitely something that they would have to wait years before telling it to the kids. She smiled as she thought about how Diana had officially branded Luke with the name "daddy" and was now calling Tess "mom" which was honestly throwing her a bit off. It was a term she wasn't used to. It felt a little weird but nice.


At the house she waited at the bottom of the stairs while Diana grabbed her back pack. "So are you hoping for a boy or a girl?" Tessa wasn't sure yet. But she had the feeling Vennessa wasn't going to take that answer.

"I don't know.. a girl maybe?" Vennessa laughed and nodded her head. "Well give it some time. Soon you'll figure out what it is. I think it'll be great either way." She smiled. Tessa hadn't even considered names yet. She was only six weeks along. She still had a long ways to go ahead. Lots of time to think of those things. She had 34 weeks to deal with still.

Diana came running down the stairs with her backpack over her shoulder.
"I'm ready mommy." That name still threw Tessa a bit. But soon she would be used to it, she hoped.
"Okay, sweety. Hug auntie Vonn and we'll head out."

"Oh please. I'm grandma. Not auntie to you, Diana." Tessa smiled and Diana gave Vennessa a hug.

"Bye grandma." Vennessa smiled before she gave Tessa a hug as well. The two girls walked out to the car and Tessa made sure Diana was all set in her car seat.

"Where's daddy?" Tessa climbed into the front and started the car. "He's at the house. We'll see him when we get there." She looked at Diana in the rearview and smiled. It was truly amazing how much she looked like Luke. It was as if she really was his daughter.

"You excited about your new room?" At her words Diana squealed with excitement. "Yes! And daddy says I can get a new bed and a bunch of stuff for it. But today I have to sleep on the old bed..... Tomorrow maybe we can go shopping?!" Tessa giggled. It sounded nice. Shopping with Diana was a good idea.

"I'll talk to daddy about it when we get home." That one phrase felt like it slowed everything down for a moment. In the backseat Diana squealed for joy as Tessa thought about what she had just said.

I'll talk to daddy about it when we get home.. It repeated in her head. Something about that phrase felt right some how. It was like she was having a deja vu moment. But yet she had never lived it before. It was so weird how natural it felt. They were a family now. But it felt like it had been this way for years or something.

"I love you mommy!" Diana said from her seat as she smiled to the rearview mirror that held her reflection.
"I love you too, sweety."


Tessa unbuckled the straps on the car seat and picked up Diana, carrying her on her hip. "Daddy should be inside. Why don't you run on in. I'll get your bag." She placed her on the ground and Diana ran inside squealing in excitement.

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