Chapter 7

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Tessa moved around the busy diner in swift motion; carrying trays to and from the kitchen, and wiping down cleared tables. Saturday mornings were always busy. Several people around the town came for their breakfast. The buzz of the small town Diner was something Tessa had grown used to over the years. Every face knew her and she knew every face by name. Each person had their own life story, and she had heard each one. Tessa had lived in this small town for the past 5 years. CedarsBranch had become her second home, and the people- her second family.

Tessa carried out a pot of fresh coffie and began to refill empty cups. The smile she wore on her face was usual to see, but this time it wasn't an act. For an odd reason she felt happy today, she felt energized. As Tessa poured the coffie into a frequent customers cup she saw Heather rushing into the building. It wasn't like Heather to be late, especially for the Saturday morning crowd. Tessa walking behind the counter and put the Pot onto its spot. Heather tied the apron stings around her waist and walked over to Tessa.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late." Her face held a mixture of emotions. There was joy, fear and uncertainty. The uncertainty seemed to rule though, and it confused Tessa. She shook her head and patted her friends shoulder. "It's okay, I've got everything covered." Tessa assured.

Heather let out a deep breath and dropped her shoulders. The stress that filled her expression was not normal for Heather, she was always such a happy but real kind of person. Tessa could tell she needed to get something off her chest, but at breakfast rush hour it wasn't the best time. So she let it be until the place calmed down.

The bell rang and in popped Liam. His coat was wrapped tightly around him and he shivered from the cold. As he walked towards the counter all the older ladies in the diner started to talk and whisper. Since Liam and Luke had moved into town almost a month ago, they had become the talk of the town. Two new single good looking men had moved in, perfect marriage material for there daughters, granddaughter and nieces. Tessa wanted to laugh at the spot it put them in. He took a seat on one of the stools in front of the counter and rested his elbows on the top.

"Hey there lil Tess." Tessa groaned at his annoying nicknames that he constantly plagued her with. "What can I get for ya?"

"Well first you can get me some coffie, then we'll talk food." He picked up the menu from it's slot and opened it. She rolled her eyes at him. Even though he would read over it, he would still get the same thing he always got. She shifted onto one side as she poured the coffie and placed a hand on her hip. "Okay, what do you want to eat?" She asked as he glanced up from the menu.

"2 eggs scrambled, with bacon, and French toast on the side." She wrote it on the paper and put it up for the cook. "Why do I even ask?" She shook her head and wiped down an area of the counter. "Because it's your job." The smirk on his face looked like it belonged to Luke. He was obviously around the man way to much.

"You've got to stop hanging around Luke so much, soon you'll be exactly like that stupid prick." All Liam did was laugh. "He isn't that bad. I wouldn't mind being more like him, actually." Tessa stood taken back by his statement. He wanted to be more like Luke? Why the heck would he want that? Luke was...... The thoughts that came to her head weren't as negative as she expected. She had begun to think of him differently, this annoyed Tessa. How could she let herself fall into his charms?
Tessa shook her head. What was happening to her.

She heard a whisle and looked up to see one of the tables that a small family inhabited for the moment. The Father was holding up a hand to indicate that they needed the check. Tessa bolted into motion. She effortlessly moved around the tables and over to the old booth that they sat at. She handed the man the breakfast check and he willingly took it. "Thank you." She said as she walked away. Her small frame moved back behind the counter as she heard the bell ring again.

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