Chapter 18 - Part 2

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Luke held Tessa close to him. He hated that she had to see him like that. His skin felt the dampness of his shirt as her tears hit it. This should never had gone so far with Liam. He saw the blood that trickled down his cheek and felt the regret sink in. He hated being violent like his father. Especially with those he cared about.

"Liam, I'm sorry. I didn't want to hit you. And never meant to go against what you said. Or betray you in anyway. Your my best friend and I'd never purposely do anything to ruin that..... I didn't intend to end up in love with Tessa. But it happened. I love her Liam. And I don't regret that and it'll never change." Tessa moved back from his arms and looked up to him with shock in her eyes. She smiled and then squeezed him close.

Liam didn't seem to believe him unfortunately. His eyes stared at him coldly making Luke die a little inside. Liam was the only friend he ever had. And he had done nothing but lie to him. Now it was all coming to the surface and they were breaking apart. 

Tessa moved out of his arms and turned to Liam. "Liam I love him. We're happy. Can't you see that? Please don't be angry. I want you to be happy with us. Just like I'm happy about Nova and you." Liam raised an eyebrow and looked at Nova.

"I've known for a long time now. But I think it's great. I'm so happy you two have someone now.... all I'm asking is that you can be happy for us." Liam stood to his feet and walked up to Luke. It felt like forever to luke as they stood staring at one another blankly. Liam extended his hand and Luke gladly received it.

"As long as she is happy it's okay. But don't do what you always do and leave her heart broken." Luke smirked and looked over to Tessa. "I won't be leaving her. Not ever." Luke watched Tessa grab Liams arm and turn him towards her. She pulled him in for a bear hug.
"I love you bubbu." Liam tightened his grip around her for a moment before he pulled away.

Liam sighed and turned looked between Luke and Tess. "So what all should I know? How long has this been happening?" Luke smirked and turned to Tessa. He was sure she would make up so sort of thing to cover up the truth about her.

"Well it's been since around the end of the 4th week of y'all living here. And to be completely honest liam, it all started with sex. But before you get angry with Luke. It was me who started it. And it was me who continually instagagted it." Liam looked at Tessa with shocked eyes. And truthfully Luke felt himself shocked at how honest Tess was being. After all the time she had spent trying to hide the truth she seriously just confessed. It was unbelievable.

Tessa looked at Luke and smiled. Luke smiled back. She had actually let herself show. He was proud of how far she had come. It always bothered him that she felt like she couldn't be herself. "But there is something else you should know." Tessa said before looking over to Luke. They needed to tell him. But Luke wasn't sure if it would be a good idea anymore. Tessa took Luke's hand and turned to look at Liam.

"Well. I'm pregnant. And Luke's the father." The color drained from Liams face as he stared at the both of them. Any minute now Luke was for sure Liam would lose it. But he just stood there frozen.

He was pretty sure they had just broken him or something. He didn't move a muscle as he stared at them. Nova however stood beside him squealing and jumping up and down. She hopped over to Tessa and wrapped her arms around her. Luke brought his hands to cup his ears from the pitch of the squealing. The odd thing about it was Nova already knew. But yet she was acting like a child that just got a puppy.
Liam shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. He stepped toward Tess and wrapped her tightly in his arms.  "I can't believe this. My baby sister is gonna have a baby." Tessa laughed as he pulled back but kept his hands on the sides of her stomach. He looked over to Luke and for a solid moment Luke felt as if he would never forgive him for not telling. But Liam moved away and came over to Luke for a bro hug.

"You'll be a good father, man." The joy that Luke had in that moment would be something he would never forget. He had the only girl who ever understood, his best friend, Diana, and soon a child of his own. It was incredible to see how far everyone had come in such a sort time. Sure it had only been a few months, but it felt like a lifetime. One he would cherish.

The next hour went by in a flash. They had laughed and talked about everything. Nova was so excited to be able to share the stories of her and Liam. And it felt good not to have to hide what Luke felt for Tessa. When Luke mentioned Diana and moving out. Liam seemed cool with it. In fact he was extremely supportive and encouraged Tessa to move with him.  Luke figured it was for selfish reasons. If Tessa moved with Luke then Liam and Nova would have the place to themselves and more time alone..

Now that his life was more open he felt slightly more relaxed. Liam now knew about his Luke's family and money. Which the only thing he had to say regarding that was "You have a ton of money and you still made me pay for half the pizzas in college?" Which the room ended up laughing their buts off at. All in all everything was starting to look up.

Tessa told Luke she wanted to take him and go tell her parents. Luke felt rather reserved about it but it had to be done. Besides if she did move in with him it would be better if they already know of the situation. But this morning he was going to take Tessa to meet Diana and Venessa. To say he was excited would be an understatement. He wanted her to love them as much as he did and he wanted them to feel the same way about her. Those three girls were the most important things to him. He loved them more then any other.

Well, now Tessa and himself sat on the couch watching a show. Liam had left for work and Nova had just done the same. Luke took the day off so he could show Tessa to the rest of his family. And happily she did the same. Currently though they were both being lazy; not wanting to get up and dressed. Of course wasting time wasn't a good idea.

"We should start getting ready to go." At the sound of his words Tessa groaned and made a pouty face. "I don't want to move. Why don't you take a shower first." Luke stood to his feet and then smirked. A devilish thought popped into his mind and he looked at her wickedly. "What are you thinking? You have that face that just screams 'trouble'." Luke chuckled and grinned all the more.
"I'll take a shower. But would you care to join me?" Tessa first looked at him blankly for a second before she smiled. "It'd be my genuine pleasure." She said as she stood to her feet.

"I gotta grab some clothes to change into though." She said as she began walking off. Luke stopped her by grabbing her hand. "No need for that. Remember, we're the only ones home." Tessa smirked. "That's riiight." She said wickedly. Luke walked up and placed his hands gently on her hips; cradling them in his hands as their lips connected. Slowly he backed her down the hall as she pulled off various items of both of their clothing tossing them on the floor.

"I have the feeling this is going to be the hottest shower I've ever taken." Tessa smirked as they reached the bathroom door. "Oh you can bet on it." If it was one thing that could always be enjoyed it was a hot shower.


Luke and Tessa sat in his car as it was parked in front of Vennessa's house. Luke looked over to Tessa (who seemed stiff as a board) as she gazed at the beautiful house in front of them.
"You grew up here?" Luke looked to the house and sighed. "For a good eight years of it at least. The rest was lived with Liam and before here it was at my mom's place." Tessa looked over to him and took his hand.
"Your family is my family. You are my home now." She spoke softly with a loving smile. He loved the way her lips formed the perfect crescent. The beauty of her eyes and softness of her skin was something he would never grow tired of.

"You ready?" She smiled. "Always. Let's go." He opened his door and got out. Tessa walked around the front of the car and they linked hands. It was incredible how perfectly her hand fit into his. He was sure she was made just for him. He guided her up the path to the door.  "Shall I ring it, or do you want to?" He asked her. She smiled and pushed the small butten. The door opened wide to reveal his aunt. She immideatly pulled him in for a hug and then moved on to Tessa.

"My! You certainly are a beauty." Luke smiled and looked over to Tessa. Her cheeks flushed red and she looked to the ground. She was the most beautiful woman in his eyes. Every single move shade seemed to flow, like some sort of dance.

"Well shall we take this inside? It's awfully chilly out here." Luke smiled and walked in pulling Tessa behind him.

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