Chapter 8

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His hand was rough, but his touch was gentle. Tessa smiled, leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. She felt the sweep of his hand on her side before she pulled away.

"It's no problem. Now I'm going to go get you more water." She turned and walked out. In her mind she was puzzled as to why he had gotten so drunk. This man never made sense to her. Every time she started to think she knew him in a way, he would go and confuse the heck out of her. So many mysteries were wrapped up in him. Was that one of the things she liked about him?

She grabbed the glass that he had left on the floor and filled it with more water. It was strange how much they were alone these days. Nova was always out at parties or work. And Liam, well he was out doing who knows what. She headed back down the dark hallway and entered Luke's room again- closing the door behind her. Luke smiled at the sight of her, it was almost heart warming. This dirtbag was really doing a number on her.

"Here, drink some more of this." He took the glass from her hands and began to sip on it. She sat down on the edge of the bed just below his feet.
"So what's the reason for the drinking? If I may ask." She watched as his expression turned sour and he averted his eyes from her. "Trying to get some demons to leave me alone."

Tessa wondered what he ment by that. The pain in his voice was evident and she thought back to seeing his scars. She began wondering where they had come from. Although she didn't believe he would tell her. "So you decided to drink cheap spirits to get the demons to go?" She said sarcastically and he let out a small chuckle. "Sounds a little stupid when you put it that way. But I can assure you these spirits aren't cheap."

"Really?" She asked. Where would he get expensive alcohol around here?
"Yup. It was some of my private stock." Tessa raised both eyebrows in shock. He had a private stock, and full of Good stuff at that. She wanted to ask him about the amount of money he seemed to have, and the scars that he had covering his body, but she knew it wouldn't be right to bother him about it just yet. He didn't have to tell her anything, it was none of her business to ask in the first place.

She stood to her feet and began to walk for the door. "Tessa, wait." She stopped. He rarely called her by name, it was somehow intoxicating to hear it out of his mouth. She turned and face him once again. His eyes pleaded with her and she felt herself pulled in by them. "Please don't go. Just stay. Stay with me." The emotion in his voice cut her in two, all of her ambition fell to the floor. He looked at her with fear. It was as if he feared she would leave. Tessa couldn't bring herself to walk out, not anymore.

She reached her hands to her shirt and pulled it off her body; then reaching for the fasten on her jeans and undoing it. She slid them off her small body and then undid the clasp of her bra and removed it too. All the while Luke watched her with needy eyes. She walked over to his dresser and pulled out one of his shirts and pulled it over her head. It fit her like a small dress. Her feet swept the floor as she moved toward the bed slowly. She climbed onto the empty side and slid under the blanket. Luke rolled onto his side and pulled her into him.

She was enveloped in his embrace and it felt amazing. Her breathing immediately became soft and relaxed. His warm body felt soft against hers and she wouldn't have traded the moment for anything in the world. She tucked her head in the crook of his neck. The smell of his cologne made her feel at ease. Her mind cleared of every trouble as she lay there.

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes tuned into hours and soon they were both asleep. In a heavenly blissful kind of sleep. There hearts beat as one and their bodies tangled together for closeness. The moon shown through gaps in the curtains and the sound of the fall breeze blew through the trees outside. Tessa began to feel the warmth of Luke turn to heat, more heat then felt comfortable to be around. She rolled over and tried to move away from his body. Her eyes still peacefully closed and her sleep still blissful, but she did miss the pillow she had earlier.

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