Chapter 18

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Tessa watched anxiously as he read the piece of paper she had gotten from the clinic. Any moment he would see where it said she was positive. The pressure was building inside her with every second. His eyes went wide and he looked up to her, then back to the paper. His breath was shakey and his hands began to tremble. This was just as bad as she had believed it would be.

A drop of water fell onto the paper staining it. It was then she realized he was crying. "Luke?" He looked up to her and she saw the other tears that rolled down his perfectly chiseled face. He was crying? That wasn't a good sign.
"Is this real?" What kind of question is that? Why wouldn't it be? "Yes. Of course it's real. And you are the father." She tried her best to keep calm but it wasn't working out to well. This was going to tear them apart and she knew it.

He bowed his head down again and let out a short sob. Tessa believed he blamed her for all this. Every guy always blamed the woman. Why should he be any different?

"I'm sorry, Luke." At that he snapped his head up and looked at her with terrible confusion. "You have nothing to be sorry about. This is amazing Tessa. I just can't believe I'm going to be a father... I'm not sure I'll make a good enough one for our child." Relief slammed against her like a titlewave. A joyful tear rolled down her cheek and he pulled her to him. Holding her tightly in a bear hug, she felt so safe in his arms.

"Don't say that. You'll be the perfect father for our baby." He gripped her tighter and then pulled away. His hands trembled as they hovered over her stomach. Tessa smiled and placed her hands over his bringing them down to her stomach. He looked up to her and smiled. Joy flooded his eyes. "I'm gonna be a dad. And My child is going to have the best mother ever; you." Tessa giggled and leaned in to give him a kiss. Things were going to be okay.

"So how far along are you? How long have you known?" She took the piece of paper off his lap and placed it beside them on the bed. The irony was that they had both been hiding something the last week. And it was a child on both sides.
"I'm about three weeks. And I fond out just last week...... I should've told you sooner. But I was scared on how you'd take it." Luke nodded and took her hand. "I understand. I shouldn't have hid Diana from you either... But this is so great! I'm so So happy you are going to be the mother of my child....... We're having a baby." He smiled with excitement. Tessa nodded and leaned her head against the pillow of his chest.

"We have to tell Liam now." She said in defeat. Luke let out a cough. "Oh shit... Liam is going to kill me for this." There was no doubt in her mind either. Liam was going to be furious with both of them. What if he refuses to ever talk to her again after this? Tessa felt uneasy again. They still weren't out of the woods. And the pressure was going to kill her. Better change the subject.

"So when am I going to get to meet Diana?" The way he talked about her he was obviously very taken with the child so she did want to meet her soon.
"Well I'm not sure exactly when. But very soon." Luke gently brushed her shirt up to reveal her stomach. Then softly placed his lips to her skin. The gesture made her smile like a school girl. He was amazing and she loved him. They lay down on the bed and she curled up on top of him. The rise and fall of his chest made her feel at home and his arms made her feel safe from all harm. He was by far the best pillow on earth.

"Luke.... you'd actually pay for Nova and Liam to live here, just so I could move in with you?..." His hand stroked her arm gently. "I'd do anything to keep you here with me; by my side, day and night." She smiled and placed a kiss on His chest; which was covered with a black shirt to her disappointment.

Tessa tried to decide what to do. Ultimately she had the time to decide. But she felt as if she should make her choice sooner then later. But she definitely had to give it a lot of consideration.
That statement sounded stupid to her. What was there to consider? She loved him. And they were going to have a baby together soon. The logical thing to do would be to move in with him. Right?

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