Chapter 16

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Tessa awoke still feeling rather sick. The old memories still filled her childhood bedroom. All her old belonging still sat on the shelves and the dresser. The walls were covered with posters and pictures of her youth. It was as if time stood still in this room. From the day she left for college her parents kept everything clean and just as she left it. Maybe it helped them cope with their only daughters departure.

The door to the room slowly opened and in walked her mother; holding a tray of food.  "How are you feeling dear?" The calm of her mother's voice made her feel at ease. Even though she still felt sick, it was a comfort to have her mother around. Tessa sat up in bed and her stomach lurched. Feeling a wave of sick wash over her she jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom.

Her mother's hands held her hair back as she gripped the sides of the toilet and threw up the contents of her stomach.  "Baby let me take your temperature." She felt her hair drape her back as her mother walked away to the medicine cabinet. Slowly her stomach calmed and she felt a little better. Tessa sat back and leaned against the wall.

She was handed a thermometer and she placed it in her mouth.  "Oh sweety, I'm sorry you don't feel good." Mother placed a hand on her forehead and gave her a look of sympathy. She nodded in agreement and leaned her head against the wall behind her.
If it was one thing Tessa hated, it was feeling sick. It was tormenting to constantly feel the need to get sick and she loathed that feeling.

A loud high pitched beep signalled. Her mother grabbed the thermometer from her mouth and looked at it.  "Well your temperature is normal." That didn't make much sense. She should be running a temperature right? Tessa stood to her feet and slowly made her way back to her old room.

"Do you feel up to eating?" Tessa scrunched her noise at that thought. Food sounded good, but the thought of eating made her feel worse.

"No ma'am." She shook her head and reached for her phone. "I need to get back home."

"I'll call Liam to come get you. I don't think you should drive." Tessa didn't feel like fighting. So she just nodded and lay back in bed.


Tessa awoke to the sound of Liams voice. "Tess?" She felt a tug on her shoulder and she sat up. To her relief she felt much better.  "You just have to go and get sick. Seriously, you have got to get a better immune system." She rolled her eyes at him and stood to her feet.
"I'm fine. I guess I just ate something bad. Okay? You can't blame that on my immune system." Now it was Liams turn to roll his eyes back at her. "Well no. But you're  the dummy who ate what ever it was." Tessa groaned and pushed past him. Liam was never very sympathetic with Tessa. It was something that drove her nuts as a child. The only time he acted sympathetic towards her was when she had her heart broken by a guy. Then, and only then, would he become some heroic older brother to her.  She wondered if he would be the same way with his own kids.

"Well if you feel fine; then why in the fcking hell am I here?" Though the words were harsh his tone was even. Tessa wished he could just for once see it from her side. It wasn't like she called him. It was their mothers decision not her own.  "Liam. You look starved to death. Come in the kitchen and I'll give you something to eat." Mother's voice was concerned but stern with him. Tessa had the feeling that mother was gonna give him a tongue lashing while she gave him some food. It was probably just her way of doing it away from Tess.

Tessa sat on the couch as she listened to the hushed voices arguing in the kitchen. It reminded her if when her father and mother used to fight. Or when Liam wrecked dad's truck joy riding with high school friends. A chuckle escaped her lips as she thought of how much trouble he was in after that. Boredom overswept her after a moment. She pulled out her phone and smiled as she wrote out a text for Luke.

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