Chapter 10 - Part 2

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His heart felt like it had just run a marathon as he lay on top of Tessa. Her body hot and sweaty underneath him as she breathed just as rapid as he. He had spent the last week yearning for her and it felt encredable to have had her again. There was no use in staying away from her, it wasn't worth it. There was no way anyone could deny this sort of pleasure.

"If sex is what you want kitty, then you have it as long as you want it." He said before rolling off her onto the bed. For a moment she was quiet and it worried Luke a little, but he was saved as he heard her voice.

"Good. Cause' I'm no where near done with it yet." She rolled over and came to straddle his lap. Her lips began moving across his chest slowly, kissing some of his scars along the way. "I still want so much more."

Luke smiled at her actions. He could get so use to this, even if it wasn't a smart idea, he let himself get use to this moment. "And tomorrow night, I'm getting you back for the torture you made me endure."

"Whatever you say, kitty." She ran her tongue over him once more before climbing off him and off the bed. He watched her intently while she picked up various items of clothing from around the room. With her dress in tatters Luke guessed she decided to grab one of his shirts, so he watched her grab one out of the dresser and she pulled it over her small body. Tessa walked back over to the bed and leaned over him -letting her hands run up his chest.

"Till tomorrow night." She placed a kiss on his lips and left the room. Luke lay there staring at the ceiling and counting down the minutes until tomorrow. After a work out like that he should be tired, but all he felt was energized and completely awake.

An hour had passed but Luke still lay in bed awake thinking of Tessa. But soon his thoughts were pulled from there- as he heard the house door open and close. Two whispering voices made their way down the hallway. Luke got up and crept over to his door and opened it a crack to peek out. To his shock he saw Liam and Nova, both their clothes were a mess and their hair was tossed. Nova giggled and placed a kiss on Liams lips before she entered her room. Liam smiled and walked over to his room and entered it.

Luke closed his door and stood in shock. He never thought Liam was actually going to get up the nerve to go after Nova. As he thought back on the last week or so, he started to think of the possible moments that Liam and Nova had spent together. But why hadn't Liam told Luke about it yet? He understood hiding it from Tessa, but why wasn't his best friend telling him about It?

He shook his head and climbed back into his bed. That probably solved some of the mysteries about those two. Luke was just glad that Liam hadn't found out about Tessa and himself.

Liam moved around the kitchen grabbing spices and preparing his breakfast. Luke was dying to ask him about Nova, but Luke wasn't sure if he wanted to cross that bridge just yet. But one thing made Luke smile, and that was the way that Liam was humming and smiling like a fool. There was no doubt in Luke's mind that Liam was head over hills for Nova. He wondered if Liam was the reason that Nova was so happy last Saturday.

Thinking of last Saturday, Luke remembered Tessa's tat. It brought a smirk to his face. There was no way on earth she was tame.

"Want an omelette?" Liams voice brought Luke out of his thoughts. He nodded his head and Liam grabbed some more supplies. Well if he wasn't going to outright ask his friend, then he was going to torture him with questions. After all, Liam wasn't nice enough to tell his best friend about his new relationship.

"So Liam, where were you at the party last night? It was hopping and you weren't around." Liam gave him a sideways glance and shrugged. "Uh well, I didn't feel so good, so I left early."

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