Chapter 3

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Tessa's shift had ended and she now lay in her bed. It was 12am and all she could think of was Luke's expression when she had tried to slap him. It confused her. But most things about Luke confused her. She sat up in bed and looked at her room door, deciding to get a drink of water she got out of bed and left her room.

The dark narrow hallway seemed creepy as she inched down it: Feeling the carpet under her toes until she reached the cold wood floors of the living room. Her night-shirt covered her bare chest and tickled the top of her thighs- where it stopped. Her hair draped around her shoulders in a mess from her attempts at falling asleep. Inch by inch-foot by foot, she made her way to the kitchen. She reached up on her tiptoes to get a glass down from the cabinet. The cold air swept the skin above the hem of her underwear as it became exposed when she reached up causing her shirt to slide up her body. Tessa quickly pulled her shirt back down and walked over to the sink to get some water. A noise in the living room caught her attention and she looked up.

In the far corner was a dark figure sitting alone. The broad shoulders told her it was one of two people. Either it was Liam or it was Luke.

"Thirsty at this time of the evening?" The voice was Luke's, no doubt in Tessa's mind about that. She took a sip and walked into the living room.

"And what are you doing up?" Tessa inquired. The dark figure of Luke stood up, now towering over Tessa. He looked huge and intimidating, the sight brought chills to Tessa.  "Couldn't sleep. And since I didn't have any one to exercise my bed with, I came out here." The statement made Tessa's skin crawl. Luke took a step closer and she could see him clearly. He wore his jeans but nothing to cover the perfection of his upper body. The darkness of the room shadowed most of him, but she could make out his form clearly. Heat flushed her from the waist down. Every bit of her came alive at the sight of him. He took another step towards her so there was only inches were between them.

"Cat got your tongue?" He said looking her over. Her hand began to tremble holding the glass of water in it. He ran his tongue along his bottom lip to tease her, and for a moment it almost worked. But she wasn't going to give in that easy. Her eyes glided down his chest and found the hands that hung at his sides. She watched as he brought one slowly to the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. At the touch of his fingers her eyes fluttered shut as she gasped and dropped the glass to the floor. Water spilled over their feet and the small rug that they stood on-bringing her back to reality. She dropped to her knees and grabbed the cup in her hand. Luke rushed past her into the kitchen and got some towels.

Tessa sighed at her ridiculous actions. How could she let him get to Her? Luke brought her the towel and she began to pat the rug with it.

"A little clumsy I see." Luke said as he watched her on the floor. Anger filled her, this wasn't her fault, it was his.

"No, I'm not, you should be cleaning up this mess not me." She argued but all he did was smirk.

"All I did was touch you." Tessa stood up and walked into the kitchen. "Well I didn't say you could do that, now did I." She quipped.

"You didn't reject it. In fact, I'd say by your response that you enjoyed it."

There was no chance Tessa was going to admit that to him. No way on earth would she give him the satisfaction of that. She tossed the rag into the sink and stormed back into the living room. "Just keep your hands to yourself." With the fury in her voice she hoped he would get the message.

"I don't need hands to pleasure you." He smirked and Tessa found her self turned on by his statement.

Nova stumbled into the living room and dropped to her knees. "I.. I don't feel so great." She said looking over to the two of them.

Tessa rushed to her side and swept a hand over her back. By the looks of her Tessa decided she probably had to much to drink. She helped Nova to her feet and led her down the hallway to the bathroom. When she turned on the light she took notice to the party outfit Nova still had on.

"I thought you missed the party because of work?" Tessa asked as she took in the smell of beer that washed over her friend.    "I almost did. But I caught the end of it." Nova admitted and sat next to the toilet.
Luke appeared in the doorway looking a bit concerned as he lay eyes on the two of them.

"What's wrong?" He asked and Tessa looked up to him. "She had a bit too much to drink." Understanding swept over his face as he studied her closer. He gave a nod. "Okay, if you need anything just come get me." He said before leaving. The kindness of his voice shocked Tessa. It wasn't his normal attitude.

"Why can't I be a good, boring woman like you, Tess?" Nova slurred as she scrunched up her face from the nausea that plagued her. She was drunk and not thinking straight, but her comment cut Tessa deep. Tessa wasn't boring, just behaved. What was so bad about that?

The next several hours was spent with Tessa holding back her friends hair as she threw up the contents of her stomach. She leaned her head against the wall of the bathroom as she sat on the floor. Nostalgia setting in as her eyes became heavy. She knew she had work in the morning, sleep was needed to function. But how could she leave her friend in this state? Soon though she couldn't hold on and she found herself in a blissful sleep.


The warmth of the sun kissed Tessa awake. She curled in her warm blankets and snuggled her head into the pillow. Nothing felt so comfortable, no way on earth would she get out of it for work. For Work! She repeated in her head. Tessa bolted upright and looked at the clock on her nightstand. It was 8:20. She was late. Then she took the moment to realize she was in bed.

"What the f***?" She asked herself. How did she get in bed? Last time she checked she had fallen asleep in the bathroom.

Hopping out if her bed she rushed out into the hall and went to Nova's room. When she opened the door she found Nova sleeping peacefully in her bed.  Tessa closed the door and stood in the hall for a moment trying to remember how she had gotten into her bed. She walked into the living room and peeked out the window. Liam and Luke's cars were both gone.

Liam! Liam must have put her in bed. Tessa rushed back to her room and grabbed some clothes. She was running late and had to get dressed. Once she grabbed some clothes she rushed into the bath room and preceded to remove her clothing. Pulling down her underwear a piece of paper fell out of the fabric. Tessa bent down and picked it up off the ground. On the front of the folded paper was a name. Luke.

Tessa's eyes went wide. How the heck did that get in her panties? She unfolded the paper and read what was in it.

You both were asleep and I needed to take a shower, So I put you both in bed. Also, I called ahead to the diner and told them you'd be late this morning.     Nice Red lace, btw. Have a good day, kitty.   ~Your Sexy Luke ;)

Tessa allowed herself a moment of surprise at his actions before she thought to how he had gotten the note into her underwear. The idea of his hands being in such an intimate place sent a thrill through her that she couldn't ignore. A fire ignited inside of her as she envisioned him touching her. Her chest began to rise and fall at a faster pace then usual. A need for sexual contact overwhelmed her. For a moment she fought herself, but soon her hand drifted down her body and found it's way to the sensitive folds of her skin. At the touch of her nimble fingers her body twisted and writhed with pleasure. A moan escaped her mouth. This wouldn't be enough to satisfy her and she knew it. But for that moment she would let her body have it's way. Picturing his lips on her skin and then imagining him inside her, She lifted herself to the level of ecstacy that she could reach, before getting into the shower and cooling herself off.

Tessa wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to keep her animal passions at bay. With Luke it seemed impossible. But she would have to try.

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