Chapter 11

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Tessa lay on top of Luke, her head rested on his chest. The steady rise and fall of each breath was calming. They had both finely caught their breath after the intense moment they had just shared. Tessa almost believed it would never end with how long he went.  Luke's hands traced up and down Tessa's naked body sending shivers up and down her spine.

"Kitty." She kissed his chest in response and she felt the vibrations of a shakey breath go through his chest.

"Oh dammit, kitty. The things you do to me, the way you make me feel. I gotta know, does it mean anything to you?" Tessa stopped for a second. She couldn't lie, it wasn't just sex to her anymore. The way she thought about him, and the way she got jealous the other night-she couldn't deny it.

"Kitty, please say something." The shakiness in his voice told her how scared he was, he had put himself in a vulnerable position and it clearly killed him.  "Yes, it means something to me. You mean something to me." Getting that out felt like a ton of bricks falling on top of her. It was hard to admit that and not just to him, but to herself as well. She felt his arms snake around her body pulling her tightly against him.

"You have not clue just how much you mean to me, Kitty." Tessa felt herself feel warmed by that statement. How in the heck could she be falling for such a conceited man, she'd never know. But she couldn't complain about the sex, even if he could be arrogant the sex was more then enough to make up for it.

"Hey kitty, what's the story behind your tat?" She shouldn't have been shocked that he had seen it, but she felt a little weird that he had. He probably didn't even know what it meant in the first place. 

"I mean, what put the idea to get 'Tame But Fierce' tattooed in Latin on your body?" Tessa was now officially taken back. How did he know what it meant?

"How the heck do you know what it means?" He laughed lightly and rubbed her sides. "Oh kitty, I have my ways. But do tell me the reason why you got it." Tessa rolled her eyes and thought about it for a second.

"It was just one of those crazy teenage moments. I decide on that phrase to be more of a promise. But I got it in Latin to make it look cooler and so that only the men that knew me intimately knew what it meant." He slid his hands up her body to cover her own hands.  "Well I'm glad I'm one of those men...... So how old were you when you got it?"  "Sixteen. It was my birthday gift to me." She felt his chest vibrate again as laughter escaped his mouth.
"Oh kitty, you are to cute. You really are."

Tessa was tempted to ask him about the scars, but she was too scared. She wasn't sure how he handle it, and she didn't want to take the chance on upsetting him. She placed a soft kiss on his chest and snuggled her head closer to his body. His arms held her close and she had never felt so comfortable in her life.

A knock on the room door sent them both into a panic. Tessa jumped off of the bed and grabbed the neglegee off the ground before rushing into his closet and closing the door. She heard Luke rushing about the room and soon the door opened.  "Hey, Liam. What do you want man." He said trying to control his breathing. Tessa heard the shuffle of feet as Liam walked into the room and took a seat on the bed. Tessa peeked through the cracks between the slats of the closet doors. Luke had closed the door behind him and stood in front of Liam. (Now wearing his jeans from the floor.)

Liam looked as though he had just been put on trial. His face pale and his hands fidgeting about.  "I need to tell you something." She heard her brother start. Luke smiled knowingly and Tessa found herself lost as to what was going on. "Well spit it out man, I don't have all night." Luke gave the closet a sideways glance but directed his attention quickly back to Liam.
"Well. I've kinda gotten involved with Nova." Tessa felt her jaw drop and her eyes widen. Nova and Liam!? It was unbelievable to think of.
"I really like her man, and it's getting hard to keep it a secret from Tess. But I don't know what to do. And I know I should've told you sooner, but I didn't want to take any chances on Tess finding out." Luke sat down next to Liam on the foot of the bed. Tessa felt shock and guilt for how much her brother was going out of his way to keep his relationship a secret from her. Nova was her friend yes, but if she wanted to date Liam that was up to her and him. Why did her brother feel the need to keep it hidden from Her?

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