chapter 2 -part 2

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Luke sat sipping his drink. The whiskey burned his throat as it went down, but it didn't bother him; he was use to it. Although he knew it wouldn't take away any of his memories or stop his nightmares, he still used it as a temporary fix. But if he was driving home he knew he couldn't go over bored. So here he sat sipping it slowly and watching as Tessa moved effortlessly around the bar.

Luke studied the flow of her hips and the sway of her breasts. It had to be her body that made him want her, he had thought to himself. Every inch of her seemed pleasing to him. He had to have a taste, but with her fiery personality it would be hard to get one. The challenge thrilled him. Luke couldn't remember the last time he had to try so hard for a girl, and it was fun.

Luke smiled as he watched Tessa work. He couldnt decide what he liked more; her body or the attitude she held against him. Glaring daggers at him-Tessa walked behind the bar with an empty tray in her hands.

"Are you still here?" She asked in irritation. The effect he had on her made Luke love this moment even more. The defiance she gave his charms was sexy to him. He placed the cup back on the bar and smiled at her.

"Aww, do you not want me here, darling?" Luke loved the frustration that plastered her face.

"You are such a dick." She hissed at him. Luke smirked and picked his glass back up and began to bring it to his lips. "Yes, I do have one." The shock in Tessa's eyes made him want to laugh, but he took another swig of his whiskey to hide the fact.

"You are-" she started "incredible? I know." Luke watched as she laughed and shook her head in denial of his previous statement.

"Intolerable is more like it. Insufferable and unbearable." Tessa said as she grabbed a rag and wiped down the bar around him. Luke got a closer look at the necklace that hung loosely around her neck. To his confusion the charm was a pair of Dogtags, by the looks of them they weren't just a decoration, they definitely were real. Liam never mentioned anything about any relatives serving? So where had she gotten them from.

"Would you stop staring at my breasts?" Tessa scolded and Luke tossed his hands in the air. "Hey, last I checked staring wasn't against the law. I'm not trying to touch so what's the problem?"

Tessa rolled her eyes. "Just stop eating me with your eyes, okay." Luke smirked and leaned over the bar.

"Don't pretend that you haven't spent the last hour watching me drink this. You know, if you find me this pleasing to look at now, just wait till you've seen me naked." The face she gave him was exactly what he wanted. She brought her hand up to slap him but he caught her wrist in his hand. It was reflex for him and the grip he held it in was too. She winced at the tightness of his grip and he quickly realized what he was doing and loosened it. He tried to keep his mind straight, to come up with some sort of arrogant comeback for her actions, But he froze for a moment. Tessa stood staring at him with a look of fear in her eyes. The thought of what he might have done if he hadn't caught himself stirred up anger for himself.

Luke shook his head and dropped her wrist. "I gotta go." He said tossing some large bills on the bar and rushing out of the building. Leaving Tessa's shocked expression behind him.

He hopped into his car and sped off. His actions weren't bad, but they could've turned for the worst if he hadn't caught himself. He slammed his hand down on the steeringweel in anger. "Sh*t!" He cursed as he drove through the small town. Luke recalled the look of fear in Tessa's eyes and it caused a fire with in him. The anger towards himself increased.

By the time he arrived back at the house he was in full blown rage. In his room he slammed the door behind him and tossed his keys across the room in anger. "Sh*t, you idiot!" He scolded himself. Luke began pacing back and forth in the length of his room as he thought about his past. The things he had done and the things he had endured. He had sworn to himself never to be that way. He lived day after day keeping himself in check and trying to erase the pain of his life.

The anger inside him turned to rage as he grabbed his mattress and flipped it off the bed frame. The destruction of his hands made him shake. He dropped to his knees and stared at his shaking hands, the rage that filled him turned to remorse as Luke realized how much his anger consumed him. It was a terror that shook him to his very core. He wouldn't be the monster his father had been, he wouldn't give into his anger. But slowly he felt that it would over take him.

Darkness filled the small bedroom as Luke continued to rest himself on the floor. His eyes closed as flashes of childhood memories flooded his mind. None of them were good. Not even one. Nothing could ever erase everything that had happened in his life, although he wished he could.

"Luke?" Light from the hall flooded into his room from the open door. Liam stood in the doorway looking at Luke with worry on his face. "Is everything all right?"
Luke didn't say a word. He just stared into nowhere, cold anguish covered his face.

"Luke?" Liam probed and walked into the room taking notice to the disarray it was in. "What the heck happened man?"

Luke looked up to his friend with empty eyes. "It's fine, I just need a moment." He managed to get out before turning his attention back to his hands. No longer did they tremble, the rage had left, and in its place was regret. Liam stepped closer to his friend and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure man?" The concern his friend had for him was nice, but Luke didn't want any one to see him right now.

"Yes. Now just go." Luke snapped at his friend. Even though he felt bad for being so cold with Liam, Luke couldn't stand to be with anyone right now. The state he was in was something he didn't want others to see. It was important to be the cocky bastard around others, and he just couldn't be that way at the moment. All he could do was think back to the horror filled memories that his life held. The things that he had done and the things that had been done to him, it hit him like a brick. Every moment haunted him.

Liam got up and left the room closing the door behind him. Luke was left alone in his suffering. All he could think of was the fear on Tessa's face. It was fear of.... him.. That moment wouldn't leave him alone. The fear in her eyes was more then he could bare. He placed his face into his palms and beat himself up about it for the remainder of his evening.


So there is something rather bad about Luke's past, and things that haunt him about his childhood. Why is he so angry with himself for scaring Tessa? Why did he freak out so much about his actions? What is it that he has been keeping secret from people? Tell me what you think in the comments!

Please vote to tell me I'm doing good and be sure to leave your thoughts! Love y'all!

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