Chapter 15

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Three days had past since she had dinner with Heather and Callen. Luke had been at work almost twenty-four seven and she had barely seen him. She felt withdraw, but her work had consumed her most of the time anyway. Although they hadn't seen each other that much, they made it up by texting constantly.

Looking at how far they had come was amazing. She used to think he was a complete dick. In reality he was only partly a dick. But she loved him for the dick qualities as well as the good ones. Everyone is a little fucked up in one way or another. He wasn't any different. She admired how strong he was after everything he had lived through.

Tessa was starting to feel the want to show people about their love. It was dangerous for them both, but they couldn't keep it a secret forever. She was surprised that gossip hadn't spread since Callen had found out. Not that Callen was a gossip, but things slip out sometimes.

Scenery rushed by her car. The roads she was driving were filled with old memories. Liam and her had grown up riding down these road almost everyday of they're younger lives. She glanced at the old houses and recalled every neighbor. Kids rode their bikes in driveways and it made her remember the days of her childhood. Her hands slipped down the steering wheel and pulled it to the right. The car eased into a long driveway.

When she pulled to a stop she removed the keys from the ignition and undid the seat belt. She grabbed the purse in the passenger seat and then opened the car door. As her feet hit the gravel the door to the house opened and out stepped a brown haired woman. Her hair was pulled back into a loose bun and she wore an apron around her. Tessa smiled and closed the door to the car before she rushed over to the woman and embraced her.

"Oh my baby is home!" Tessa smiled and tucked her head into the crook of her mother's neck. It was ridiculous that her mother acted like she had come back from a war. But it was just because Tessa rarely found the time to visit. As sad as that sounds it was true. They were a three hours drive from where she lived and it was hard to make that trip when she was so busy with work. Even after she finished her college courses she never had the time. It was the sad truth of being an adult.

She pulled away and gave her mother a genuine smile. "Well come on inside dear. I have a fresh pie cooling in the kitchen window." The sound of momma's baking was enough to make her mouth water. Nothing compared to the taste of fresh pies and home baked cookies. Maybe her family struggled sometimes, but momma always provided the best food and the most love. It almost made Tessa feel bad of how she would turn out to be such a disappointment if her mother knew what she was really like.

Inside the house she looked at all the family pictures that covered the walls. Everyone of them had a memory behind it, and Tessa knew them all. The smell of fresh pies filled the small trailer house. Though the place was old it wasn't warn down. Her dad always took good care of it, he was great at providing for them. They never went hungry and always had clothes and a roof to sleep under. He always gave them his best.

She took a seat on the small couch that sat neatly against a wall. Across from her was a small coffie table surrounded by a small chair, a recliner and a love seat. She remember how every Christmas there was a tree tucked in the corner next to the window. Her toes took in the familiar feel of the shaggy carpeting of the room. Her mother gracefully walked back into the room from the kitchen and handed her a plate of cookies.

"You are looking so thin baby. Are you eating anything at that house of yours?" Tessa laughed at her mother's concern. She always thought Tessa was too thin, and if Liam was here she would be feeding him like crazy. "I'm eating plenty mom, really." She picked up a cookie and took a bite. She felt it practically melt in her mouth, it was amazing. He mother scurried back into the kitchen and left her with the plate of cookies. Maybe she was just going wild because it had been forever since she had cookies, but she began pigging out on them.

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