Chapter 2

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Tessa wrapped the light sweater around her tightly. The harsh fall winds beat against her body: causing shivers to flow violently through her body. Each gush of wind reminded her why she wanted to move somewhere warmer. CedarsBranch was beautiful, and she loved the feel of the small homie town. But the cold weather made her body demand for a change in location.

She pulled the hood to the sweater over her head to block her face from the wind. The walk to her car from the diner never felt so far. As she reached the car she got in as quickly as humanly possible. Every bit of her shook from the cold. Immideatly following the sound of the engine starting she turned the heat on full blast. Her hands felt frozen as she peeled the gloves off of them. Gripping the steering wheel she contemplated calling the bar and taking the evening off to stay in her warm bed for the evening. But she knew she needed the cash.

Tessa looked at her watch and decided she had enough time to go home and take hot shower. Not waiting another minute she pulled out and headed for home. She turned on the radio and started listening to her favorite station. As soon as 'PillowTalk' by Zayn came on she squealed in excitement and turned up the radio. The music was the perfect thing to get her body to wake up. She sang along with the music and her mind started to wonder off to Luke. As her mind went deeper into its thoughts she began to start feeling the want, the need, for intamicy. The woman in her wanted to feel him. But the rest of her wouldn't allow that satisfaction.

She pulled into the driveway and found that Luke's car was already home. Which meant he was inside. Tessa cleared her mind of any sexual thoughts of him before she entered the house. By now it was 6pm and her shift started at 7pm. She had all of 30 to 40 minutes before she had to leave for her second job. The warmth of the house felt like a steam room compared to outside. She took off her sweater and placed it on the coat rack before walking into the hallway. To her relief and slight disappointment Luke was no where to be seen.

Wait. She was disappointed? How could she be disappointed with not seeing him? Tessa fumed when she realized that though she could deny it, she was definitely attracted to him. But there was no way she would set her passions free and give that arrogant prick what he wanted. If it was one thing she was good at: it was hiding her passions behind a false persona. She was the Good Child to her parents, the behaved one out of her and Liam. She had kept them fooled for years as she secretly lived on the wild side of life. But when she started college, she decided to mature and put that behind her; Dating all the right types of men and working hard without partying like a animal.

But with Luke, she saw that side of her trying to rise to the surface and take over. The almost uncontrollable passions that dared to over take her fought tooth and nail at the sight of his brilliant eyes and perfectly balanced body. She turned into her room and grabbed some clothes before exiting it again and walking over to the bathroom door. As she opened it and took one step inside her body collided with Luke. Her hands dropped the clothes that they had been holding on the impact of his body. The touch of his skin sent a thrilling sensation down her body. She looked at the bare chest that she was still against and she quickly pushed herself away from him.

The jeans hung loosely around his waist showing off most of his V lines. His hair still wet from his shower. Her eyes found his and the gleam they held made it feel impossible to resist him. "I'd close that mouth of yours before the flies get in." Luke said with his usual arrogance. Tessa hadn't even realized that her mouth hung open at the sight in front of her. She quickly shut it and bent down to pick up her clothes.

"Black lace, how notty." He remarked and she suddenly felt selfconcious of the clothing she had in her hands. She tilted her head up to look at him. He stood several feet taller as she crouched on the ground. He stared down at her smirking and glancing at the black lace panties she was picking up. Tessa rolled her eyes to play it of as no big deal. The truth that she was selfconcious was being buried under the confident air she wore. She stood up and craned her neck to see him a little better since he was still taller then she.

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