Chapter 39 ~ The First Day Confession

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I couldn't sleep. After my dream about Jacob making love to me and calling me back I just couldn't close my eyes. I didn't have these kind of dreams about Evan and I wondered if it was because he was so off limits. It didn't matter anyway because I was still a married woman and although Evan and I weren't on good terms, I couldn't cheat on him.

I had decided to wear a classic navy blue suit with a white ruffled blouse. I wore my hair in a low bun and went light with the makeup. I wanted to look classy but I was more than sure that next week at the trial I would be betrayed as a whore. I didn't have time to think about that because it would be a good day, an exciting day. I slipped on my pumps and grabbed my purse.

I walked into the nursery to see Lilly holding Eva and Ben holding Lil.

"Good Morning dear," Lilly said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning, you two are up early," I said giving Ben a kiss on the cheek.

"We wanted to see you off. Harrison has breakfast ready for you downstairs and someone just received some beautiful flowers," Lilly said feeding Eva.

"For me?"

She shook her head yes. I was confused, who would be sending me flowers?

I held the girls and gave them a kiss goodbye. This was the first day I would be leaving them for so long. Lilly had given the Nanny the rest of the week off. She and Ben would be taking over the care for a week. This was going to be funny, but they seemed to be overjoyed.

I headed downstairs to the kitchen. A huge bouquet of roses were on the counter.

"Good morning Harrison."

"Good morning Ms. Cadence. I fixed you an omelet and juice. You look really nice on your first day."

"Thank you Harrison, you are very kind."

Since I had been living with Lilly, Harrison had accepted me and was a lot more friendlier than he was when we first met. I tried not to bother him as I could take care of myself.

I looked at the roses and there was a card.

Good Luck on your first day.

Wow that was surprising. It had been a few days since I had spoken to him and I wasn't sure where we stood. That night after he told me he was sorry, he was so broken. My heart went out to him, but if his attack on me would have taken place I could not have been so forgiving. He needed help and I wasn't in my right mind to give it to him. I had called Dr. Sims that night and she had taken care of the situation.

I had changed clothes before she had gotten there and I didn't mention to her what happened. In fact I hadn't told anyone. I just needed her to calm him down and hopefully he would settle down and he did. She had given him a sedative and he finally slept.

I watched him from a distance as he managed to relax. Some people would probably say why would I stay, I stayed because I loved and cared about him. I wouldn't wish harm on him and I wanted him to know that I really cared.

Yes he called me names. Could I really deny them? I was a prostitute, escort or whatever you wanted to call me. That was my past and it would be with me for the rest of my life, but I was no longer those names. I had grown not using that as a crutch but a stepping stone to do even bigger and better things, it was just unfortunate he still thought of me in that way. I had to wonder if the old Evan thought of me that way. No, I know the old Evan loved me, I didn't have any doubts once I said I Do. Now I wasn't so sure.

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