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"Jack, you know they say seeing the bride before is bad luck" I joked. 

"Pssh, you're my good luck charm"

I felt my cheeks heat up. 

"And you deserve a trophy for the chessiest boyfriend of all time"

"Do you have anything for me?"

"Well... not a medal but I do have something"

"I'm intrigued"

I reached up on my tiptoes and kissed him. 

Anna walked in then, her belly swollen after 4 months. 

"Elsa!! You're smudging your lipstick!" Anna fussed. 

"Anna, seriously? It's not that big a deal. It's just balm anyway. We haven't even put on the proper makeup..."

"Shoo Jack, go!" Anna said, pushing Jack out. 

"Well that was rude"

"I don't care. Time to make you look beautiful"

I shut my eyes as Anna told me to. 

"Ok, pink shadow... dusted softly over the top... yep, should do it. And then soft pink lippie, with some gloss"

"The colour scheme sounds awfully pink" I said. 

"Shh, don't talk. Or you'll be eating lipstick"

I shut up. 

"Ooh, she looks so pretty!" I heard Tooth say. 

Well, okay, I trusted Anna and all but now I felt good about it all. 

"Hmm... it's pretty. And if Cinna was here he'd say you look fabulous" a girl said, her voice seeming to crack on the name. 

"Katniss, why don't you go check on Peeta? I heard he was talking to Jack about the cake and you know how excited he can get"

Katniss walked out. 

"Who was that?" I asked Merida. 

"Girl I met while travelling. She was in a reality show and her stylist for it recently passed away. Along with her sister and many other people"


"Yeah, the set got bombed by some terrorists"

"Oh my god!"

"I told you not to talk!! Anna said angrily.

."But we bonded over our love of archery. I suggested Peeta do the cake. He's great at it." Merida continued. 

I listened in interest. 

"Ok, done!" 

I opened my eyes to look at myself. 

"Wow... I look..."

"Like a princess"

"Queen" I corrected automatically. It was just what I'd always say to Jack. 

"Queen" Anna laughed. 

I breathed out when I reached the doors. 

They'd open up to the man I was to spend the rest of my life with. 

"Are you ready?" my dad asked.

"I am, I've never wanted anything more Dad"


He pushed open the doors and I walked down the aisle, holding the little bouquet of white roses and orchids. 

I looked at the smiling faces of everyone, Merida and Finn grinning together, Punzie and Eugene clapping, my mum's massive smile, Anna sitting with Kristoff. 

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