Life After

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Kristoff hugged me from behind, gently kissing my neck. 

"Kristoff, that tickles!" I laughed. 

He absently rubbed my stomach. 

I flinched back and he dropped his hand. 

"Kristoff, I - "

I felt like crying all over again. Everytime I remembered that day. 

The way my little baby had died because of a prank gone wrong. 

I watched the woman in the park play with her little baby and felt my heart ache. 

"Anna, I know we wanted children but I'm just glad I still have you" Kristoff said, holding me tightly. 

We were in our second year of college. I'd decided to work in the maternity ward part time as I studied to be a nurse. I don't know if I was being sadistic or what not but it just felt so good to know that I was helping people bring their children into the world. The few times the childbirths occured, I was wracked with tears and I had to hide in the bathroom. 

Kristoff was still working with his uncle but wanted to branch out and have his own business. That's why he was studying Business.

Not many of us were still in Canada. Finn had left, claiming Canada had too many bad memories and Merida wanted an adventure. They were both studying in Scotland now and would occassionally message us. 

Jack and Elsa were both going to the same university as us and now we all lived together. 

The marriage Kristoff had planned for us had fallen by the wayside as we just struggled to go back to the original relationship and lives we'd had. So far it had worked but the memories would still overcome me at times. 

"Kristoff, do you think we could adopt at some point?"

"Of course, Anna, why not?"

I smiled at him, thinking of the possibilities. 

That night, we were watching a movie together. I kissed him softly but before I knew it, we were tangled together. 

That was the thing with Kristoff. It was like we couldn't control ourselves around each other. 

I woke up the next morning in bed with him, his big hands curled around my waist. It was crazy how his massive arms could fit pretty much all the way around my tiny waist. 

I turned to him and kissed how softly, our usual morning kiss. 

"I love you Anna" he muttered sleepily. 

"I love you too" I said back. 

"I'll always love you Kristoff" 

He'd fallen asleep but I knew that he knew I'd given my heart to him. 

He was my soulmate. And this time, I was sure of it. 


"Jack, I'm not falling for that again"

"For what?"

"The puppy dog eyes"

"You would if I made Sophie give you them"

"That's because she's adorable, you're not"

"Now you're just hurting my feelings"

"Okay, fine. But this is seriously cutting into my study time. I have this massive architecture project... how do you make a castle out of ice??"

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