Finnick Joins The Gang

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I watched Elsa and felt my heart ache a little.

The way she brushed me off hurt. But not as much as having her near to me and not being able to hug her or kiss her the way I used to...

"Jack, what are you thinking about?" Elsa asked me. 

I shouldn't be thinking about this. After all, she'd said it. It was just a stupid plan that brought us together. Neither of us were actually meant to have feelings for the other person. 

"The plan"

Technically, I was thinking about the plan. 

"Yeah, we found out some interesting information"

"Can't wait to hear it"

Merida started speaking. 

"Ok, summary time for what we found out"

"Tell us already" Rapunzel said.

"Okay so like, he has 12 older brothers. And he tried to drown his twin brother. He craves acceptance. His dad had him with some random other woman who died in childbirth. Hans is a spoilt brat who wants love but goes about it the wrong way"

Pitch looked up.

"When you put it that way... he sounds like me"

Tooth grabbed Pitch's hand.

"Don't say that Pitch. You never raped anyone or broke their hearts. You never drowned someone."

"But I kidnapped your pet birds that time... and hurt Jack in that fight. I broke his hockey stick. I pushed him down a ditch. I was horrible"

"I know Pitch" Jack said calmy.


"But despite it all, t'he birds were fine, I got a new hockey stick that was even better and hey, the ditch wasn't that deep. What I'm trying to say is that none of us were severely hurt. Hans is a rapist and murderer - or he would've been anyway"

"I know you feel some sympathy for him Pitch. Even I nearly did. And then I remembered that he didn't one thought to just using my sister like she was nothing but an object. That he pushed his own brother in a lake knowing he couldn't swim. I just can't find it in myself to really care for someone like Hans even if he did have a bad past. A bad past doesn't excuse bad behaviour, it only explains it"

Pitch looked down at his shoes while Tooth whispered reassuringly to him. 

"Guys, we have to figure out our next move from here" Peri said.

"Ok, we need to leave him with nothing. The way he humiliated Anna and betrayed her. We need to betray him and leave him humiliated and depressed"

"What if he kills himself though? I saw that on a show once" Anna said. 

"That's better" Elsa said darkly. 


"I'm sorry, I know. Well, we'll just get his brothers to deal with him" she said. 

"That would just be the perfect cap wouldn't it? The people he wanted love from reject him again"

"Don't you think we're being rather harsh?"

"Don't you think he was rather harsh to rape Anna and leave her pregnant?" Elsa said sharply. 

I looked at her. She was just brimming with repressed anger while I saw Anna's unshed tears pool in her eyes. She was so lucky to have Kristoff with her. 

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