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Elsa watched the girls rummage through her clothing. They'd all come over together and she was a little annoyed. 

Mainly because she'd had much better plans than this for her Saturday. 

Like studying for her test. She couldn't bear to fail. 

But instead she was participating in something as shallow as a makover. 

Merida threw out a brown skirt that Elsa plucked out of the air. 

"Girl, you've got such... boring clothing" Merida said. 

Elsa looked at Merida in her blue top and green jeans. Well, compared to the three of them... 

"Hey, don't diss my style... I just don't like wearing something better suited to parties in a setting such as school"

"And that formal diction?" Rapunzel said. "What are we gonna do about that?"

"Chill guys" Peri said. "Maybe Jack will think it's cute"

"Uggh" Elsa said. She was NOT liking this plan. 

Jack had come over yesterday and he was perfectly sweet. Especially with his little sister... 

To think that she had to make him fall in love with her and then break his heart seemed really stupid. 

But then again, he had broken three hearts at the same time. Maybe he did need a taste of his own medicine. 

"So let's run over the plan again" Merida said. 

"We make Elsa a bombshell" Peri said

"Then Jack falls head over heels for her" Rapunzel exclaimed

"Then she dumps him in front of everyone" Mer finished triumphantly. 

"And then you leave me alone forever" Elsa said

Periwinkle wrinkled her nose at how antisocial Elsa was being. 

"We need to work on your social skills"

"No we don't" Elsa said. "I'm fine"

"No, you're not. He's not going to fall for you if you can't be friendly" Mer said

"I can be friendly!" Elsa cried indignantly. 

"Uh huh" Rapunzel said with a raised brow. 

Elsa felt a headache coming on. 

"Let's just get this over with" she said. 

Rapunzel had picked out a few of Elsa's clothes that she considered good enough. 

"This green and black dress with purple hemming can stay. Also the light blue and white frock with beading on the bodice. And this light blue long dress. A few pairs of jeans, this white blouse and maybe the black pencil skirt. You know, for school with like a blazer or something and that's it"

"What are you gonna do with the rest?" Elsa interrupted

"Well..." Rapunzel continued. 

"You are not burning them. I paid for them out of my own pocket"

"Fine! Drama queen" Peri said. "We'll just pack them away till the plan's complete"

Elsa smiled in relief. Anna was out with Hans again and Elsa was a little worried. She didn't particularly trust him...

"Mall time!" the girls screamed together before pulling Elsa out. 

They arrived at the mall and Elsa stared up at it in awe. She'd not been here yet but it looked like some magnificent ice castle, all glass and spires. 

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