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Anna stared at Kristoff. 

"Um, you look good" she said hesitantly. 

He cleans up well she thought to herself.

"Thanks, you do too" he said before hiding his face. She wondered if he was blushing like she was.

Snap out of it Anna. You're going to your boyfriend's party and you're admiring some other guy?

"Anna, are you and Kristoff coming or not?"

"Coming Elsa"

She jumped in the car, Kristoff settling in beside her. His massive frame pretty much squashed her tiny one but she didn't really mind as much as she thought she would.

She watched the way Jack looked at her sister and felt her heart sing. Finally, Elsa had met someone. 

And her makeover had been amazing. Now she was friends with so many people. People that Anna loved. She was still not sold on Pitch but she was learning too come around. 


I looked at Elsa who was sitting across from me. I watched the way she stared at Jack and felt myself start to burn up. 

Jack had tried talking to me and I was beginning to remember what it was like to be his friend. I just couldn't stand the idea of him breaking Elsa's heart. 

But it wasn't because I loved Elsa. I'd been obsessed with her for a spell. Mainly because she represented my deepest want - to change and be known. She was the girl who'd changed it all for herself. And that had made me crazy about her. But now she was my friend. 

I couldn't stand the idea of Jack breaking Elsa's heart because they were my friends. I'd patched things up with Jack and just had a heartfelt conversation with Elsa last night when I was IMing them. I didn't want to see either of them hurt because of what they had been roped into doing.

IM conversation with Elsa

IceQueen: Hey Pitch, what are you doing?

PitchBlack: Nothing, playing World of Warcraft

IceQueen: Haha, nice. I'm just planning for Saturday with Anna

PitchBlack: I'm talking to Jack

IceQueen: Yeah? About what?

PitchBlack: Our past

IceQueen: He told me some stuff. I want to know your version of events

That's why he liked Elsa so much. She was willing to look past the other things and see his good qualities. And Jack had been willing to forgive him. 

PitchBlack: I lost it all

IceQueen: What do you mean?

PitchBlack: I wanted popularity so bad that I started playing stupid dangerous pranks in order to be known. But everyone feared and hated me instead. I didn't plan for that

IceQueen: What then?

PitchBlack: I fought with Jack and lost it all - my only friend, my dignity.

IceQueen: But you can get it back

PitchBlack: How? 

IceQueen: Just talk to Jack. You're different. Changed. You can redeem yourself

PitchBlack: And then what?

IceQueen: You have me now and I'll make sure the others treat you well. Just be yourself and I know they'll all like you. Even if it takes some time, I know they will

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