The Heartbreaker

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I'm Jack Frost, the school's star ice hockey player. But I'm a lot more than that. It's just that no one seems to see it. 

All the girls trip over their feet for me but honestly? I don't care about them. They're fun for a while but I have other things on my mind. 

Like taking care of my sister Sophie and helping her every night with homework because our parents are MIA. Like getting this scholarship so I can go to university and get a job to really help Sophie. So when Rapunzel told me she loved me, I was exhausted. 


"I love you"

Oh god, I had no time for this. Rapunzel was great, sure but I'm pretty sure my friend Flynn was into her. And we'd not even done anything like kissing because once I'd found out it felt like I was going against the Bro Code. 

"Well, Punzie, uhh..."


"I don't love you. I mean, you're great and all but I've not really got romance and stuff on my mind. Seriously"

"But then..."

That's when Periwinkle and Merida walked up to me. Oh shit, this was NOT going to end well. Yeah, I was a flirt but I'd never been official with anyone but Rapunzel and now we were breaking it off anyway. But clealy Mer and Peri thought different. 

"Jack, weren't you going to take me figure skating tonight?"

"No, I was going to give him archery lessons!"

"He doesn't even like archery!" Rapunzel broke in. 

The three started bickering while I made my exit. I noticed the blonde girl from before looking between me and the three girls. 

I wondered what she made of it all. 

"Hey Jack" a girl in my class giggled. Ugh, I hated it when girls did that high-pitched giggle. It was so fake. 

"Hi" I said, bored. 

Then the new girls walked in. The strawberry blonde was chatting animatedly about what had gone down in the corridor before and the platinum blonde would nod every so often and cover up a smile at the way her... sister? was reenacting the scene. 

They both sat dow next to each other and continued to talk. 

The teacher walked in and noticed the two girls. 

Poor them, we had Giselle for Homeroom and she was nice if a little too easily excited. 

Then the principal walked in. He then said to the teacher - "So we have a new student. They just moved here from Alaska"

"Welcome" the teacher said to me. 

"I'm from Canada"


"Actually - by they he meant two and that's us" the redhead piped up. 

"Oh" . 

Yeah, the teacher was fairly new and hadn't gotten to know everyone. 

"Well come up here and introduce yourselves then"

The redhead skipped to the front while the platinum blonde just walked up. He'd not seen anyone else with hair that shade. Was it natural? He'd seen lots of girls dying their hair that colour after all.

"Hi, I'm Anna!" the redhead said with a cute wave. Jack saw the way Hans grinned at Anna. Hans had just moved here himself and Jack still wasn't sure about him. He seemed nice enough after all. 

Jack Frost is TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now