Posters: Part 2

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I was greeted by a corridor full of hideous posters. 

The posters featured me. There I was, wearing the freaking pink thong. 

"Calvin Klein is for men, but I guess I'm just a little girl wanting to be a woman" the caption said. 

It was like the world's worst meme gone wrong. 

I stared at the poster. 

Hiccup walked up to me. 

I hated that guy. And I'm pretty sure he hated me back. 

"You look good Hans. Especially as a little girl"

Hiccup walked away and Hans watched him high five Anna.

That bitch.

She'd done this. 

And her sister, her friends Jasmine and Cinderella, they'd all been a part of it. 

"Hans, what the fuck is this shit?" Aaron said. I could see the way he was hiding laughter. 

"Merida!" I heard my brother Finn call. Since when were they friends. 

"Yes Finnick?"

"What is this?"

"How am I meant to know?" she said. 

Oh I don't know, maybe because you're also friends with Elsa? The bitch who did this?

"Merida..." Finn said warningly. 

"Trust me, I don't know how this happened. We sent the pictures only to Jasmine and Cinderella. They have massive crushes on Hans and wanted the photos. And maybe someone hacked our account? Seriously, I don't know"

"Who's the best hacker at this school?"

"That would be me" that emo kid Peter said, sidling up to us. 


How did Finn know him?


"How do you two know each other?"

"He's the guy that saved me from drowning that one time"

Oh, the drowing incident. Well, it wasn't really an accident when I'd done it, but I was a brilliant actor.

"Peter, why would you do this?"

Peter looked towards Anna and Elsa before answering. I saw the way they shook their heads at his questioning look. 

"What can I say? I hate your brother. He's been nothing but a jerk to me and I wanted revenge"

I got ready to punch this little faggot.

"You bastard!" I ran forward when a little girl with highlights stopped me. 


"You are not hurting my boyfriend!" 

She then kicked me in the nuts and I fell down. 


Finn looked flabbergasted as I tried to get up, the little girl walking away holding Pitch's hand. 

"That was brilliant Tooth"

"I know"

Fuck them all. 


I didn't know Tooth had it in her but that was some serious business. Right where the sun don't shine. 

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