Hans' Family

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I looked at Elsa who smiled at me. She looked a little nervous. 

To be honest, I was just as nervous myself. 

What if they were all a bunch of jerks like Hans? 

But then again, why would they hate him so much if they were?

I knocked on the door. 

A guy who looked just like Hans opened the door and Elsa gritted her teeth.

But I kept looking at him. There was something different about Hans...

"Hello, may I help you?"

Elsa looked at her, confused by the sudden courtesy.

"Um, yes, we'd like to speak to someone here about Hans"

The boy suddenly gripped the door handle tighter and Elsa quickly put a foot in the door as he was about to slam it on them. 

"Can we just come in?"

The boy stared at me.

"Fine, what now?"

We walked in and sat down on the lounge. 

"We just wanted to ask you some questions about Hans. Since you're his family... unless you ARE Hans just faking right now" Elsa said. 

I watched the way the boy stiffened. 

He was really different to the Hans I'd met. For one, he was much more polite. Plus his shirt had a bear on it. Hans was always wearing plain black tees. 

"Elsa, I don't think he's Hans. He's different"

The boy spoke up. 


"Okay, we get it" I said, "geez"

"No, you don't get it" he said. 

"Well explain it to us then" I said in as calm a voice as I could.

I hated being told that I couldn't do something. 

He cleared his throat then. 

"It's a bit of a long story"

"Good thing it's the weekend then" Elsa said. 

"We have all the time in the world, um..."

"It's Finn - short for Finnick. You would not believe how much my mum loved the Hunger Games when she had me" 

Merida grinned at that. 

"So start the story"

"One sec, let me get some of my other brothers in here"

"All of them?" Elsa said in a gasp. 

"No, just the ones at home. Some of them are at uni or living in another country you know"

"Oh, right" Elsa said sheepishly. 

"Aaron, Paul, Jeremy, Alex!" he shouted. 

"What are your other brother's names?" I asked.

"Stephen, Nicholas, Klaus, Michael, Connor, Justin and Jared"

At this point, I was the one talking to him. Elsa was just sitting in the corner, occassionally saying something but I was the main interviewer now. 

"That's a lot of brothers, how - "

"Do I have so many?"


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